The inhabitants of Masasi happy with the new TASAF water project


Speaking yesterday in Mtwara when a team of journalists visited the project, the beneficiaries said the project had played an important role in improving the standard of living of the people [19659002] "This water project helped the community mitigate the problems. reliable water. Residents are happy because they spend most of their time in economic activities for their development, "said Genoveva Kambanga, president of Mwena Village.

According to Kambanga, the TASAF program has changed hundreds of lives in the village

Cecilia Mwambe a resident of Mwena village, congratulated TASAF saying, "I am very grateful for this water project because I can now access clean and safe drinking water I used to travel a few kilometers to access water, which is also sold at a high price. "

Fatu Kindamba, 62, from the village of Mwena, also applauded the fund saying that he helped them a lot. "

" We salute the foundations of the impoundment of this water, which has solved a large part of our problem, especially for women who walked long distances. at the reche As a result of this, John Robert, a father of five, said, "My family was wasting a lot of time and money looking for water." # 39; water. Now, with this project, my wife and children can easily have water and have enough time to complete other essential tasks.

Thobias Mkude, TASAF coordinator for Masasi district, said that water scarcity could affect economic activities. "Water scarcity also affects school performance because students also spend a lot of time looking for water, so bringing the project closer to the community is a big relief," he said. he says

. He urged the community to protect the project for its benefits and the future generation.

"Clean water is essential to all sectors.It is an important need for every human being, as we continue to deploy new solutions to meet the challenges of water, communities need to make sure that they are working to protect the project, "he added.

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