The longest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century to come Friday


The longest total lunar eclipse of the century is coming Friday, and it will turn the moon into a reddish orange color for more than 100 minutes, according to NASA.

The eclipse will not be visible from North America, said Noah Petro, a scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, at ABC News. Star observers in regions close to the Middle East, South Africa or East, West and Southeast Asia and the United States. India may observe the celestial event as long as the weather permits.

  PHOTO: A partial lunar eclipse is observed in Nice, France, August 7, 2017. Yann Coatsaliou / AFP / Getty Images
A partial lunar eclipse is observed in Nice, France, August. 7, 2017.

In these areas, the entire lunar eclipse – when the moon will retain its red color – will last about an hour and 42 minutes. The entire event – beginning as the moon crosses the Earth's stratosphere – will last about six hours and 13 minutes, Petro said.

The inhabitants of Australia will be able to see the lunar eclipse as the moon goes down, while those of eastern Brazil and Western Europe will be able to see it as the moon rises.

  PHOTO: A lunar eclipse is photographed over the ocean in Oceanside, California, on January 31, 2018. Mike Blake / Reuters
A lunar eclipse is photographed overhead Ocean in Oceanside, California. 31, 2018.

Petro suggested either renting a boat and driving it to the middle of the Indian Ocean, or visiting relatives in Ethiopia for the "best seat in the house".

In the United States, the lunar eclipse will begin around 1:14 pm. AND, and the maximum period of totality will begin around 16:21. And, making too much light outside for the moon to be visible, said Petro.

  PHOTO: A supermoon rises behind the US Capitol and the Jefferson Memorial, in Washington, DC, seen from Arlington, Virginia, December 3, 2017. Jim Scalzo / EPA
A & # 39 ; supermoon & # 39; Rides behind the US Capitol and the Jefferson Memorial, Washington, DC, seen from Arlington, Virginia on December 3, 2017.

Although US residents will not be able to see the eclipse , they should still be excited because the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter – NASA's robotic spacecraft orbiting the moon – will experience it first-hand, Petro said. The LRO was launched in June 2009 to provide detailed maps to identify "safe and interesting" landing sites on the Moon for future human and robotic exploration.

  PHOTOGRAPH: Artist concept of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter UIG via Getty Images
Artist Concept of Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter

"The Moon really holds the secret to understanding how does the solar system "Petro said.

It's a good time for Americans to start excited about the moon because NASA will begin celebrating the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11, the space flight that made astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin the first two people on the moon in October. Petro said. Armstrong and Aldrin landed on the moon on July 20, 1969.

The next total lunar eclipse visible in the United States will be January 21, 2019, according to NASA. It will also be a super moon, which is a full moon or a new moon that coincides with the position of the moon closest to the Earth.

  PHOTO: A moon of blue blood rises on Michmoret, Israel, January 31, 2018. Ariel Schalit / AP
A moon of blue blood rises on Michmoret, Israel, January 31, 2018. [19659006] A partial lunar eclipse – which looks like "someone took a bite from the moon – will also be visible in the United States in July 2019." The partial lunar eclipse involves the southern half of the moon passing in the shadow of the earth, he added.

What's a blood moon?

A blood moon is a term used to describe a total lunar eclipse, that is, when the moon appears obscured when it passes through the shadow of the Earth.

  PHOTO: A super blue blood moon rises behind the 2,500-year-old Parthenon temple on the Acropolis of Athens, Greece, on January 31, 2018. Petros Giannakouris / AP
stands behind the 2,500-year-old Parthenon Temple on the Acropolis of Athens, Greece on January 31, 2018.

The total lunar eclipse receives the nickname "blood" because of the "beautiful" red color caused by the projection of all the sunrises and sunsets of the Earth on its surface, Petro told ABC News earlier this year, before the the event of the super blue blood moon that took place on January 31st.

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