The main opposition of Tanzania says that about twenty of its members were arrested


The main Tanzanian opposition party said that some 20 of its members, including a deputy, were arrested on Saturday in the south of the country on the grounds that they "fomented unrest".

MP Frank Mwakajoka was arrested in his office in the south of the country. Tunduma, after requesting forms from his party's candidates to participate in the partial municipal elections in August, said party secretary-general Vincent Mashinji: "We do not understand the reasons for this arrest," Mashinji added, adding that the police arrested "20 other members of Chadema who were gathered at a local party office to prepare for the elections."

"According to the first information we have, the police say they are fomenting problems," he added. Local police spokesman Mathias Nyange told the independent Mwananchi newspaper that he did not have enough information to comment on the arrests.

President John Magufuli has been accused by critics of cracking down on oppositions. In September 2017, legislator Chadema Tundu Lissu was repeatedly shot dead in his home, and in February two local Chadema officials were killed by unidentified gunmen in killings described as political killings by the opposition. [19659002] * Sign up for our newsletter to receive the latest news from News24: SUBSCRIBE TO THE BULLETIN HELLO AFRICA

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