The MDC Alliance pledges against growing difficulties in Zimbabwe


The tension took hold of Harare on Wednesday after the opposition MDC Alliance announced the organization of a major protest on Thursday to protest President Emmerson Mnangagwa 's austerity measures.

Thursday's street march, led by Nelson Chamisa, MDC Alliance leader, is expected to be the first major opposition demonstration in Harare since the post-election protests, which culminated in a military crackdown. mercilessly who killed at least six people.

Members of Zanu PF's youth leadership league were considering taking steps to disrupt the event, increasing tension before the protest. The leader Pupurai Togarepi said Tuesday night that his organization would protect his property from harm.

"Any attempt to destroy party property will not be taken lightly, for the moment we are protecting our property and I hope no one will provoke us into a clash," he warned.

Zimbabweans are increasingly frustrated with unemployment rates in excess of 90 percent, rising taxes, high inflation and a severe drug shortage.

On Wednesday, gasoline shortages resurfaced in Harare and diesel and gasoline queues stretched for miles, disenchanting even more the public.

The country recorded its highest inflation since 2008 in October, with 24%. The new tax measures announced in last week's national budget could lead to a new wave of price rises.

Observers said the protest was planned for November to coincide with the first anniversary of the fall of Robert Mugabe, who had resigned after massive street protests preceded by a brief coup d'etat military.

Speaking to reporters in Harare on Wednesday, MDC Alliance spokesman Jacob Mafume said the protest would unfold as scheduled on Thursday.

"As you know, we are holding a demonstration and we have received the necessary approval. We warned the police, "said Mafume.

Mnangagwa has refused to engage with Chamisa on a possible national unity government, which, in the opinion of many citizens, is the best solution to tackle the economic problems that have worsened after the highly controversial elections.

Mafume said the goal of the protest march was to urge Mnangagwa to agree to dialogue with the opposition so that she could collectively attack the deteriorating economy. .

"It's not just a demonstration of the MDC, but a popular protest. We are dealing with issues that affect people's daily lives. We have the 2% usurious tax that affects people's lives.

"We have different exercise tasks that have been imposed on diesel and gasoline, which will lead to inflation and price increases.We lack almost everything, including the bond title (currency local substitution) has largely failed as an instrument of the economy "says Mafume.

"We have drug shortages, we use the US dollar to pay customs duties on vehicle imports. As a people, we need a solution because we are looking for a path of legitimacy, a way of political dialogue. "

Mafume encouraged protesters to wear white clothing to symbolize the message of peace during the protest.

The secretary of the organization MDC Alliance, Amos Chibaya, promised to take the necessary measures so that there is no violence during the march.

On Tuesday, Mnangagwa spokesman George Charamba sent the demonstrators a chilling warning that the MDC Alliance would be held responsible for loss of life or property damage.

However, he said the demonstration was approved by the government.

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