The next Fortnite Nerf building could be this wall-penetrating heavy elite sniper


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Fortune: Royal Battle Credit: Epic

a few weeks ago, Epic Games said that he wanted to vary the end of the game. Fortnite: Battle Royale had ended up being defined by acrobatic builds, and the developer said that he wanted to be sure that there was this was a controversial statement in a community that considered the construction of Fortnite's as a great feature, and we saw the first real nerve yesterday: Epic has reduced the health of all building elements with the exception of metal, it is much easier to destroy the forts with the newly introduced SMGs and, according to a leak that runs through the datamining scene Fortnite it could be the following: a legendary heavy sniper rifle. to shoot through the walls. against the kind of turtle strategies that you see even at the highest level of the game.

@Diebuddies have the official image:

For starters, there are two ways to design this weapon. If it has a thermal reach and can see through the walls, it could be essentially revolutionary. Defensive strategies would become impractical and the weapon would quickly become the most popular weapon of the game. It has no thermal reach and that it is forced to shoot at It would still be very useful, but not so powerful. It would actually be a way to keep up the pressure on the cowering enemies, and if you could get a full squad in the defensive position, you might have a decent chance to shoot a shot.

It also seems like the big sniper is able to penetrate a wall, which would force people to adapt to some new styles of fort. Some of the most basic forts, such as 1X1 with a ramp, would be largely spared. And some of the most advanced defensive styles that add elements like roofs to the floors for an extra layer of protection would also be protected from the glitter of the sniper. But some of the straight towers and other simple forts would need to be edited in order to offer protection.

Expect that, like other building nerves, be controversial in the community. But if the update yesterday was a kind of balancing, here is an example of balance: introduce a new element designed to counter the dominant strategies. We will see how this changes the game.


Fortnite: Battle Royale Credit: Epic

A few weeks ago, Epic Games said that it wanted to vary the end of the game Fortnite: Battle Royale had come to be defined by acrobatic and cartographic constructions, and the developer said that he wanted to be sure that there were other viable paths to a Royal Victory.It was a controversial statement in a community that saw the construction of Fortnite's A great feature, and we saw the first real nerve building yesterday: Epic has Reduces health on all building elements except metal, making forts much easier to shred with recently introduced SMGs. Fortnite Datamining scene, it could be the next: a legendary rifle heavy sniper capable of shooting at through the walls.It would be a hard counter to the kind of turtling strategies you see even at the highest level of play.

@Diebuddies have the official image:

For starters, there are two ways to design this weapon. If it has a thermal reach and can see through the walls, it could be essentially revolutionary. Defensive strategies would become impractical and the weapon would quickly become the most popular weapon of the game. It has no thermal reach and that it is forced to shoot at It would still be very useful, but not so powerful. It would essentially be a way to keep the pressure on the cowering enemies, and if you could get a full squad in the defensive position, you could have a decent chance to shoot a shot.

It also seems like the big sniper is able to penetrate a wall, which would force people to adapt to some new styles of fort. Some of the most basic forts, such as 1X1 with a ramp, would be largely spared. And some of the most advanced defensive styles that add elements like roofs to the floors for an extra layer of protection would also be protected from the glitter of the sniper. But some of the straight towers and other simple forts would need to be edited in order to offer protection.

Expect that, like other building nerves, be controversial in the community. But if the update yesterday was a kind of balancing, here is an example of balance: introduce a new element designed to counter the dominant strategies. We'll see how this changes the game.

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