The promotion of projects by companies for investments


The Tanzanian Investment Promotion Exhibition and Conference (TIPEC) aims to promote projects and seek out strategic investors and / or funding for the promotion of 300 projects.

The event will be held in collaboration with Tanzania Trade Development Authority (TanTrade), the National Development Corporation (NDC), the Tanzanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TCCIA), the Tanzania Broadcasting Cooperation ( TBC), the Tanzania Standard Newspapers (TSN), the National Business Council (TNBC) and the Economic Processing Zones Authority (EPZA)

"We have not done much for promoting projects despite the many campaigns on various sectors and the investment environment, now TIPEC will intensively cover the region, "said Rodgers Mbaga Phimona, general manager. According to him, the event will be held in Dar es Salaam from 14 to 16 November and will include a half-day conference, an exhibition of private projects and pu

Tan-Trade CEO, Steven Kobello, said that his agency would undertake to market megaprojects that require investment in the country.

TCCIA's director of adhesions department Fatuma Hamis said that TCCIA's president, Dr. John Pombe Magufuli, said that industrialization was the primary goal of his government

. The growing component of the Tanzanian economy accounted for 22.2% of GDP in 2013.

This component includes the extractive industries, manufacturing, electricity and natural gas, the supply of water and construction.

The government is conducting various development projects including the construction of a 2561 km normal track railway that will eventually connect the port of Dar es Salaam and Mwanza, on Lake Victoria, and Kigoma on Lake Tanganyika, as well as neighboring Rwanda and Burundi.

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