The royal commission said – as it happened | Australia news


Over the past two weeks, we have heard from CEOs from six of Australia's largest financial services organizations, CBA, Westpac, Macquarie, NAB, ANZ and AMP. We heard from the chairs of the boards of three financial services entities, CBA, NAB and Bendigo and Adelaide Bank.

And we heard the testimony of the presidents of the two regulators, Asic and Apra.

As I said in our opening remarks last week, this series of hearings was different from the first six. Our goal was not to identify other instances of misconduct, but to understand why this misconduct had occurred and what could be done to prevent it in the future.

For this reason, contrary to what has happened in previous rounds of hearings, the attending counsel will not identify any particular finding as being evidence – based. There will also be no process for entities participating in this series of hearings to make further submissions to the Commission.

Instead, we anticipate that the issues raised over the past two weeks will inform the recommendations you make in your final report.

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