The secrets of Tyson Fury's massive weight loss


Peanut butter chicken, learning to love vegetables and 250-kilo lifts are the cause of the extraordinary weight loss that allowed Tyson Fury to face Deontay Wilder Saturday (Sunday, New Year's time) Zealand).

The British heavyweight has lost nearly 10 times (63 kg) over the last 12 months for his fight with Wilder, thanks to a carefully calibrated program designed by his strength and fitness trainer, Kristian Blacklock.

He left Fury, whose weight went up in circles during his two-and-a-half-year absence that ended last June, in his best physical shape for years while he's aiming to win the World World title. Boxing Council of Wilder.

Tyson Fury noisy and proud in his colorful briefs.


Tyson Fury noisy and proud in his colorful briefs.

It was a miraculous trip, according to Blacklock, who also advised Fury when he won the No. 1 spot in the heavyweight division against Wladimir Klitschko three years ago. "If you had said a year ago that he would be fighting for a world title in the next 12 months, where he was and at his height, that would not have been realistic," he said. he told the Daily Telegraph. "But once we made the first camp and got the most weight, the possibilities were then met."

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The Fury diet was initially ketogenic – low carbs, which means the body burns fat for energy – and is a low intensity workout.

The Parker brothers, John and Joseph, partyed with a voluminous Fury last year.


The Parker brothers, John and Joseph, partyed with a voluminous Fury last year.

Since then, Fury has focused on maintaining a healthy sports diet consisting of high quality sources of protein and organic carbohydrates, such as eggs, fish, chicken and other meats. lean.

"Tyson is not a big vegetable lover, but we find things he'll have," he said. "We have a peanut butter chicken recipe at this favorite camp, cooked by Chef Tim Alcock, so if you like your food, dieting is a lot easier."

Fury's weight loss was spectacular, but it was not interrupted.

"It's been an evolution, not a revolution," added Blacklock. "If you are trying to lose a lot of weight quickly, you will make a lot of sacrifices.When you see these six week diets to lose the second one, you will lose muscle mass because you will not be able to get enough nutrition in.

"You want a caloric deficit to lose weight, but if that deficit is too big, you're not just losing body fat, you're losing body water and lean muscle." Is that it has been progressive.It didn't He attended a very regular training.We have organized three training camps, but it is rather a training camp with a few weeks of low intensity after fighting. "

Do not take a break presents dangers, but Blacklock insists that the problem is not with Fury.

"In an ideal world, we had originally planned 18 months," he said. "But because the process has been so easy, nothing has derailed him, he's been consistent in his own diet and lifestyle, he's barely had a drink in the last 12 months, he was very controlled.

"If it was still above 20 kg (126 kg) now, we would probably not be looking to fight Deontay Wilder." In the current state of things, we are so ahead of schedule that There was no reason not to fight.

"We are not worried about his weight for this fight, the last two fights we had small goals as to where we wanted him to fight, we're watching him, his weight and body fat, but We're trying to make it physically right, the bodies do not win the fights.

"Tyson will never look like an Anthony Joshua, but they do not need it for the way they're going to happen Tyson is a very physically strong guy, he's also very fit, you can not judge a man. book by its cover. "

Fury has also followed a rigorous weight lifting program. "With its size, we are talking about deadlifts and heavy compound uplifts have been very numerous," Blacklock said. "In kilos, you have to lift about 250 kg.

"But we have also been focusing on speed and explosiveness – everyone knows that Wilder has the speed, so you have to have your reflexes.

"Tyson is fast himself and if you look at both fights before that, there was an obvious progression of the [Sefer] Seferi is fighting at [Francesco] Pianeta fight. Not only what he looked like, but at the speed of his movements. We have improved this for this fight, so that it can be a little faster, lighter and faster.

"I am confident we will see the best physically possible Fury Tyson."

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