The sleep myths about snoring and the hours needed per night "can prove health risks"


The prevalence of sleep myths could pose a serious health risk, scientists warned.

We all know someone who, contrary to the advice of health professionals, thinks they can sleep five hours a night.

Although they may think that sleep deprivation is not serious, perpetuation of this notion could lead to long-term health problems.

Researchers at the New York University School of Medicine (NYU) conducted a survey to identify the 20 most common beliefs about sleep.

The team evaluated more than 8,000 websites to identify the most common sleep myths in this paper, which was published in a journal. Sleep health.

With the help of sleep medicine experts, they then ranked the beliefs, determining whether each of them could be categorized as sleep myths or relying on evidence scientists.

These included the statement that "sleep during the weekend is a good way to make sure you get enough sleep," the idea that adults can maintain overall good health at five hours of sleep or least, and the statement that "remembering one's dreams is an imperative". sign of a good night's sleep ".

According to the researchers, sleep experts still question about the utility of sleeping over the weekend.

They explain that while lying on weekends may be beneficial for those whose work involves shifts at different times of the day, for others, this can disrupt their natural circadian rhythm.

The circadian rhythm, otherwise known as the "biological clock," is the 24-hour cycle that determines when the body wakes up and sleeps.

On the other hand, the idea that remembering one's dreams is the sign of a good night's sleep is a "myth," said study principal investigator, Giardin Jean -Louis.

He explains that it's because everyone makes four or five dreams a night, which they may not remember simply because their sleep has not been disturbed.

According to the researchers, the belief regarding five hours' sleep a night was one of the "top myths" they were able to debunk based on scientific evidence.

They state that this myth poses "the most serious risk to health from long-term sleep deficits".

According to the NHS, adults should try to achieve seven to nine hours of sleep a night.

It's advised that children should sleep for nine to 13 hours of sleep, while toddlers and babies should sleep for 12 to 17 hours a night.

Another myth assessed by the scientists concerned snoring, as many are under the assumption that snoring is "harmless".

While this may be the case, the researchers warn that it may be a sign of sleep apnea, a common condition which causes your normal breathing pattern to be interrupted due to the relaxing and narrowing of the walls of the throat.

“Sleep is important to health, and there needs to be greater effort to inform the public regarding this important public health issue,” says Professor Jean-Louis.

“For example, by discussing sleep habits with their patients, doctors can help prevent sleep myths from increasing risks for heart disease, obesity, and diabetes.”

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Study lead investigator, Rebecca Robbins, PhD, a postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Population Health at NYU Langone Health, adds that sleep is a "vital part of life that affects our productivity, mood, and general health and wellbeing". .

“Dispelling myths about sleep promotes healthier sleep habits which, in turn, promote overall better health," she states.

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