The UN rewards three young innovators at the Dar Trade Fair


Latifa Mohamed received Sh3m, Gracious Fanuel Sh2m and Amos Mtambala received Sh1m for the first, second and third winners, respectively.

Latifa, a participant from Ngea in Zanzibar, developed an automated irrigation system that uses sensors to detect whether soil stains are wet or not and direct water to dry areas.

This is relevant given the fact that agriculture employs more than 80 percent of the country's workforce.

Fanuel Kilimanjaro designed a robotic arm using common household materials.

The arm can be controlled via a mobile phone and he hopes to be able to expand it to conduct activities like picking up machinery parts or production line items and helping people with disabilities .

Artistic demonstrations were shown to hundreds of visitors to the United Nations Pavilion during the weekend shopping festival.

After listening to the three innovators, visitors then had the opportunity to vote to find out who they thought had the best innovation and the winner was announced yesterday, as well as the first and second finalists. place on social media.

Amos Mtambala of Dar es Salaam was rewarded for using his artistic capacity for entrepreneurship. He was trained and supported by the International Labor Organization and has since expanded his network to include over 100 other young people who create works of art that they sell locally and internationally.

Speaking at the pavilion at the announcement of the laureates and the seconds, the UN communications specialist, Hoyce Temu, congratulated the youth.

"The promotion of innovation is deliberate to help the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania to make the dream of industrial development a reality.

" Since Tanzanian youths are more of 55% of the population of their country, they must be an integral part of today's development, tomorrow and in the future, "said Temu.
On Wednesday, the United Nations pavilion obtained the first place in the Information, Publishing, Printing and Stationery category The award was presented by Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa at the opening ceremony of the 42nd International Trade Fair in Dar es Salaam.

The aim of the booth this year was to communicate the UN's results and promote innovation for sustainable development that can contribute to industrialization by showcasing the three young innovators. r the UN booth.

More than 500 people in Sabasaba and on social media voted for whom, they said, had the best innovation.

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