The weather in the UK could block the lunar eclipse, as prediction predicts severe thunderstorms during the blood moon


The sky illuminates with a breathtaking moon of blood. That's if another sky-based phenomenon does not get in the way: violent storms that will eventually break the heat wave for several weeks.

The lunar eclipse of Friday should unfold at the beginning of bad weather. Clouds over the UK could hide any sight of the moon of blood, and force people inside to avoid getting wet.

The Met Office issued a thunderstorm warning Friday afternoon that is expected to last until midnight. The eclipse will begin between 9am and 10pm Friday night, depending on where you are in the UK – just as the storm could hit

The lunar eclipse will be the longest of this century. This will give skygazers who see it an even more special opportunity to see our satellite lit in a dramatic red.

But torrential downpours are expected in some places, with up to 30mm should fall in one hour and 60mm in three hours

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