The world looks at the total lunar eclipse, the longest of this century | Region


JOHANNESBURG (AP) – Curiosity and fear have welcomed a complete lunar eclipse, the longest of this century and visible in much of the world.

The so-called "blood moon", when it turns red, was visible at different times in Australia, Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America when the sun, the Earth, and the Moon s & # 39, aligned perfectly, projecting the shadow of the Earth on the moon

. The entire event lasted more than four hours.

The spectators in Rio de Janeiro applauded when the blood moon emerged from the fog. Hundreds of people watched a fort overlooking the iconic Copacabana Beach and Sugar Loaf. The local planetarium has set up telescopes for fans of astrology

"These telescopes are fantastic, it's one thing to see pictures of the planets in one book and another to see them in the reality, "says Ana Selma Ferreira. an old lawyer who brought her children to the show.

Throughout Africa, people have turned to the sky, watching the reddish shadow slide on the surface of the moon. In Somalia, some rushed to mosques for special prayers. In South Sudan, some have dared to take pictures in a war-torn country where to discourage the use of a camera in public.

In the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, people from an open-air restaurant admired a rare unobstructed view during the rainy season. , comparing a live broadcast of NASA to what they saw above. Then the clouds entered.

"Dem yelebesech chereka", some whisper – Amharic for "moon of blood."

"The moon blushes because atmospheric scattering makes the red light pass through the atmosphere and composition Tom Kerss, an astronomer from the Royal Observatory of Greenwich

" And the density of the Dust rising in the atmosphere can make the moon appear particularly deep red, and indeed, it has the same effect on our sunsets and sunrises. "

In a special treatment, Mars is also at its closest approach to Earth since 2003, making it bigger and brighter.The media shared photos of the bright planet just to the right of the moon.

North America missed Friday's lunar eclipse, but can look forward to the next January 21, 2019, according to NASA.

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Associated Press wr Elias Meseret in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Abdi Guled in Mogadishu, Somalia, and Sam Mednick in Juba, South Sudan

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