These 6 specific exercises can reduce body weight, even if you are predisposed to obesity


We know that various factors influence weight, including lifestyle and genetics, but researchers have now identified six specific exercises that seem to offer the best chance of reducing your weight, even if your genes do not want to. .

According to an analysis of 18 424 Han of Chinese origin in Taiwan aged 30 to 70 years, the best ways to reduce body mass index (BMI) in people predisposed to l 39; Obesity are: regular jogging, mountaineering, walking, brisk walking, dancing (to an "international standard"), and long yoga practices.

However, it is interesting to note that many types of popular exercises have not been found to be beneficial for people whose genetic risk score makes them more likely to be obese.

Specifically, exercises like cycling, stretching, swimming and the legendary Dance Dance Revolution console game do not seem to be able to counter genetic biases (although they are beneficial to many others). respects).

"Our results show that genetic effects on obesity measures can be reduced to varying degrees by performing different types of exercises," the researchers write in their article published in PLOS Genetics.

"The benefits of regular exercise have more impact in subjects predisposed to obesity."

In addition to BMI, the team also looked at four other measures of obesity for a more complete picture: body fat percentage (FPG), waist circumference (WC), hip circumference (HC), and the ratio waist / hip (WHR).

Regular jogging – 30 minutes, three times a week – has proven to be the most effective way of countering the genes of obesity in all of these areas.

The researchers also suggested, based on information extracted from the Taiwan BioBank database, that the least effective exercise forms generally did not exercise as much energy, which is why they do not did not work as well.

The researchers specifically noted that cold-water activities, such as swimming, could make people hungry and encourage them to eat more.

The study was able to achieve one of its main goals, which was to show that having a genetic predisposition to obesity did not mean that obesity was inevitable – the right kind of exercise, practiced regularly, could fight this in genetic coding.

"Obesity is caused by genetics, lifestyle-related factors and the interaction between them," said Newsweek, epidemiologist Wan-Yu Lin, of the University of Taiwan. "Although hereditary materials are innate, lifestyle factors can be determined by oneself."

It should be noted that not all types of exercise were popular enough in the sample population to be included: activities such as weight training, table tennis, badminton or basketball may also be useful or not. There was not enough data to evaluate.

But with obesity surging around the world – and 13% of the world's population is now considered a high-quality obese – it is clear that steps must be taken to reverse the trend.

Being obese affects our physiological health by increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease, certain cancers and other problems; and there is evidence that being overweight can also have a negative effect on our brains.

Studies like this one most recently can point to ways to maintain a healthy weight, even when genetic cards are stacked. In some cases, a few minutes of effort a day are enough.

"Previous studies have shown that regular physical activity can mitigate genetic effects on BMI," the researchers concluded.

"However, few studies have studied BFP or measures of central obesity.These measures of obesity are even more relevant to health than BMI."

The search was published in PLOS Genetics.

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