Thursday Technical Briefing: Baidu, ZTE, Xiaomi



1. Baidu launches 100th standalone bus, unveils AI Chip & # 39; Kunlun & # 39;

What : Fujian King Long-based Baidu Bus Manufacturing Partner Produced 100 Stand-Alone Buses Using Technology Technology Company, Baidu CEO Baidu Developers Conference Wednesday

Baidu also launched its artificial intelligence (AI) chip, called "Kunlun", which is similar to Google's TPU and will use Baidu AI applications.

Why It's Important: Lu Qi resigned in May and his successor Li Yanhong has since been under tremendous pressure to set a new course for the company and deliver results using AI. 19659004] Large Image : China has for years struggled to make its domestic chip industry more competitive than the United States and Japan. The AI ​​chips represent an opportunity for China to embark on the design of high-tech chips and have attracted investments from companies such as Cambricon Technologies Corp. Ltd, Horizon Robotics and Alibaba. (Source: Caixin, link in Chinese)

2. Xiaomi continues its US push despite commercial tension

What : Xiaomi still plans to enter the US market next year and hires engineers to develop smartphones for US telecom networks, a said Wang Xiang, vice president with Reuters. Wang Xiang said the US market was "very attractive" and that Xiaomi's US relations with Qualcomm and Google would help avoid the political controversy surrounding his Chinese rivals.

Why It Matters : The comments come at a time when the trade tension between China and the United States reaches a historic high. Xiaomi shares will begin trading on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on July 9, and the company is still targeting more overseas expansion.

Large Image : Huawei has encountered several problems in its attempt to capture more of the US smartphone market in recent months, including its phones were dropped by the Best Buy retail chain in March. It remains to be seen if Xiaomi will be treated differently by US decision makers. (Source: Reuters)

3. ZTE loses the Italian Telecom contract to Ericsson thanks to the US ban

What : the Italian telecommunications company Wind Tre SpA. chose the Swedish Ericsson AB over the Chinese ZTE Corp. for a contract for the supply of wireless equipment valued at 600 million euros ($ 700 million). ZTE has lost the contract because it is not allowed to buy American technological products Why this is important : the agreement shows that the Z a a montre [queque194519451945194519451945194519451945194519451945ZTEbanbytheTrumpadministrationhashadanegativeimpactonthecompanybusinessabroadEarlierthisweekZTEwasallowedtotemporarilyresumetheimportofequipmentmanufacturedintheUnitedStatestosupportitscoreoperationsZTEisstillwaitingforWashingtontofinallyliftthebusinessembargo(Source:Bloomberg)

4. Chinese box office receipts rose 18% from one year to the next in the first six months of 2018, after surpassing North America for the first time for the first time. quarter quarter already. The nation has raised a total of 32 billion yuan (4.8 billion) of ticket receipts for the first half of this year, according to the Tracker Industry Tracker. Local stocks performed particularly well, accounting for 59% of revenue, up from 39% last year.

Why It Matters : China overtook the United States as the largest quarterly film market for the first time in the first quarter of the year, taking 20 billion yuan in a period spiked by the week -Long Lunar New Year holiday in February. Alibaba Group Holding Ltd., Baidu Inc. and Tencent Holdings Ltd. are at the forefront of the film boom, each with interests in the film industry. (Source: Caixin)


5. Shanghai will host the AI ​​World 2018 in September

What : Shanghai will host the AI ​​World 2018 conference in September, announced Wednesday the Shanghai Municipal Government. The event will be supported by China's National Development and Reform Commission, as well as by government departments including the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Industry and Technology of China. l & # 39; information. similar to the annual world conference on the Internet in the neighboring province of Zhejiang, which attracted the best technical executives of Alibaba, Baidu, Apple and Google. With the support of local and central government departments, AI World 2018 is intended to be a platform for China to set the course for the global artificial intelligence industry.

Great picture : The announcement of the conference The ambition of Shanghai is to lead the development of the AI ​​industry in China. (Source: Shanghai Government, Chinese link)

6. Indonesia prohibits the Chinese video application Tik Tok for inappropriate content

What : The Indonesian government says that it has banned the Chinese video application Tik Tok (known as the Douyin's name in China) to contain "pornography, inappropriate content and blasphemy". The ban is temporary and can be lifted once the application removes objectionable content, said the Indonesian Minister of Communications and Information.

Why That's Important : The ban highlights the challenges facing Chinese Internet companies. Douyin is a unit of ByteDance, which operates the popular application of Toutiao news aggregation in China. Douyin recently announced that it had more than 150 million active users a day and more than 300 million active users a month.

Large image : The Indonesian ban is worse for Douyin, who has recently been criticized. China because the regulators discovered that this advertisement had insulted Qiu Shaoyun, a Chinese martyr killed during the Korean War. Beijing Internet regulators have ordered Douyin to make "rectifications" for its advertising activities, and Douyin has temporarily discontinued its advertising services. (Source: Reuters)

Compiled by Zhang Erchi and Zhang Yidi

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