TPSF in new move to bridge skills gap gap in local labor market


Speaking at a CEOs roundtable meeting in Dar es Salaam, TPSF executive director Godfrey Simbeye said the plan is set to begin September, starting with the three key sectors of agriculture / agribusiness, tourism, and transport / logistics. 19659002] According to Simbeye, addressing the current skills gap among Tanzanian workers is imperative if the government's industrialization agenda is to be implemented.

He said available statistics show that the current pace of national economic growth does not correspond to the development of (19659002) "The sectoral councils will, among other things, work with stakeholders in the earmarked sectors to initiate training and apprenticeship programs," he explained. (CEOs) from various private companies to discuss and share knowledge about the national skills deve

Simbeye disclosed that the government recently secured a $ 125 million loan from the World Bank to implement the strategy in the next 10 years.

youth in tourism, agriculture, agribusiness and agro-processing, transport and logistics, construction, communications and energy.

According to the TPSF chief executive, the strategy – though government-owned – will also need the full participation of the private sector.

"As this is a new initiative designed to boost Tanzania's irregular labor market, it is high

Youths expected to benefit most from the initiative including those currently studying at universities, technical colleges and training institutions, and vocational education centers, as

Speaking during the meeting, Local Labor Market Specialist Nicholas Mbwanji described Tanzania's labor market as an irregularity in its current state, in which it can not support the government's industrialization agenda.

According to Mbwanji, the country needs to be more focused on producing more experts at middle and lower Technician levels to remain in line with its growth aspirations.

Association of Tanzania Oil and Gas Service Providers (ATOGS) Vice-Chairman Abdulsamad Abdulrahim challenged Key Implementing organs of various mega-projects like Uganda

Tanzanians also need to be informed about the subject of information and advice, Abdulrahim said, adding that transparency and information are among the major enablers for more Tanzanians to secure jobs in the projects.

He pointed out that the local content of the 2015 Petroleum Act gives Tanzanians an advantage in the job, the current skills gap counts as one of the major obstacles.

"As an association, we will continue to educate Tanzanians and train them in various fields of expertise related to the oil and gas industry, so they can contr Abdulrahim said.

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