Twaweza: Magufuli's popularity rating plummets, but … – News


Dar es Salaam. President John Magufuli's approval rate dropped from 71 percent last year to 55 percent, but he would be re-elected if the elections were held today, according to a new Twaweza report.

Findings from a study titled Speaking Truth to Power? Citizen opinions on Tanzanian politics show that Dr. Magufuli's popularity rating dropped by 96 percent in his first year in power in 2016, a 41 percentage point drop.

The report notes that Dr. Magufuli has the lowest approval rates for a Tanzanian president. Aidan Eyakuze, executive director of Twaweza, told reporters that President Magufuli would have been reelected with 55% of the vote if a presidential election was held today, but that his opponent closest to Chadema's opposition would have collected "

" Other political parties, including the PRN Mageuzi, the CUF (Civic United Front) and ACT-Wazalendo, would have collected one percent each. It should be noted that 29% of voters are undecided as to which party to vote for, "he said.

According to the study that involved 1,214 people in Mainland Tanzania in April, this year, CCM reportedly collected 51 61% and 62% of the votes in the parliamentary and civic elections, respectively, against Chadema's 18% and 16%.

The PRN Mageuzi, the CUF and ACT-Wazalendo would each have received 1% of the votes in both cases. the parliamentary and civic elections.The number of undecided voters is 30.

Mr. Eyakuze said the citizens were even more familiar with the major parties, including CCM, Chadema and CUF, than they were. other organizations such as the NCCR-Mageuzi (54%) and the Tanzanian Labor Party. percent) and ACT-Wazalendo (32 percent)

Older citizens (71 percent) are much more likely than others to be poor. approve the president's performance against citizens aged 18 to 2 9 years old (46 percent). 19659002] Mr. Eyakuze said that women (57%) were slightly more likely than men (53%) to approve President Magufuli's performance, noting that citizens with no formal or primary education (57-58% ) were more likely to approve than those with a high school education or higher (47%).

The study also shows that the approval of rural residents has fallen sharply from 72% in 2017 to 52% in 1965

. 70 percent in 2017 to 59 years

The ratings of MPs and councilors have also declined significantly over the last year.

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