Type 2 Diabetes: Women with Diabetes are Vulnerable to Kidney and Stomach Cancer


SYDNEY: According to a new study, women with diabetes may be at higher risk of developing cancer than men.

Results suggest that among study participants, women with diabetes (Type 1 and Type 2) had a higher risk of developing kidney cancer (11%), oral cancer (13%) , a stomach cancer (14%) and leukemia (15 percent) compared to men with the similar condition.

Diabetes affects more than 415 million people worldwide, with five million deaths each year.

5 Foods That Will Help Keep Cancer at Bay

Natural Foods and Health

March 10, 2018

While Medical Fraternity Works on Better Cancer Treatments, There are Some Changes simple his diet to prevent the dreaded disease. The food we eat can affect our risk of developing cancer, both directly and by helping us maintain a healthy weight. Diet can also directly affect the risk of cancer. Some foods, such as processed and red meats and salt-preserved foods, may increase the risk of developing cancer. If we think about it, it is not so difficult to adopt these blessings of nature to ward off cancer. It is important to be aware of what we eat and stay away from artificial foods, high sugar consumption and reduce our consumption of chemicals. Eat healthy, eat healthy and keep cancer away from you and your family.

This is what nutritionist and sports coach Iram Zaidi recommends:

According to the researchers, it is believed that he increased blood sugar levels can have carcinogenic effects by causing damage to the DNA.

"The link between diabetes and the risk of developing cancer is now firmly established," said lead author Toshiaki Ohkuma of the George Institute for Global Health in Australia.

"The number of people with diabetes has doubled globally in the last 30 years, but we still have a lot to learn about the disease," added Ohkuma.

Do you want to maintain diabetes? Eat nuts, apples, carrots

Food for Diabetics

July 3, 2018

While being active, staying hydrated and checking blood glucose levels can work wonders, it's important to stick to a diet plan that will prevent diabetes in the long run.

A recent study has shown that antioxidant-rich nuts can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by almost half.
For patients, the ideal diabetic diet plan would be to have 1200-1600 calories a day. It is recommended that diabetics eat good carbohydrates, fats and healthy proteins, but in small portions.

ETPanache has contacted doctors and dieticians to provide you with the ultimate list of foods you need to eat to stay healthy.

Read also: The complete guide to diabetes

For the study, published in the journal Diabetologia, researchers examined data on cancer events) from 121 cohorts comprising 19,239,302 individuals.

Researchers found that women with diabetes were 27% more likely to develop cancer than non-diabetic women, but the risk was 19% higher for men.

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<p>  They also found that diabetes was a risk factor for most cancers of specific body parts for both men and women.
<p>  Overall, it was calculated that women with diabetes were six percent more likely to develop some form of cancer than men with diabetes.
<p>  "It is vital that we do more research to find out what is driving this phenomenon, and that people with diabetes and the medical community are aware of the increased risk of cancer for women and men with diabetes," Ohkuma noted.<br />
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Celebrities who fought serious illnesses and inspired us to stay …

Wiser & Stronger

July 11, 2018

If you wanted to rip after seeing Sonali Bendre's Instagram post on Tuesday where she quoted Chilean author Isabel Allende to stay sharp, and cut her hair, you're not alone.

Many, including his fellow countrymen and sympathizers, felt moved and wished him a speedy recovery. But the 44-year-old actress is not the only one to have managed to stay strong in the face of adversity.

Over the last decade, a few others have shown incredible courage and grace while fighting the medical conditions in real life, and proving to be an inspiration for their fans.

From Salman Khan to Yuvraj Singh and Irrfan Khan, we remain inspired by extraordinary stories of hope and strength.

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