Uganda Airlines will become the world's first operator of the A330-800Neo, which "no other airline wants"


Uganda Airlines, if all goes as planned, will become the world's first operator of the last generation of the Airbus, A330 – 800 Neo

At the Farnborough Air Show in England, representatives of Uganda Airlines ordered two A330-800Neos, as well as four CRJ900 Atmosphere Cabin aircraft from Canadian aircraft manufacturers Bomber.

which is now in a phase of rapid revival that has been gone for nearly 2 decades, will also be the first African airline operating the aircraft CRJ900 Atmosphere Cabin

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The two races of Aircraft have incredible reviews and will undoubtedly provide

Uganda Airlines will also be the first African airline to operate the CRJ900 Atmosphere Cabin aircraft.

But …

As champagne exploded in Uganda, on the occasion of the important Farnborough Market, Airbus officials (probably) pushed a huge sigh of relief to put their first customer at the disposal of their A330 – 800Neo, marketed for some time, but without buyer While they were preparing to roll out their first A330-800Neo at the end of the year. last year, the French airline Airbus Company was hoping that Hawaiian Airlines, which had placed a non-binding order for 6 of the US-based airline, however, has crushed its hopes, announcing in March this year that & ### 39; she was abandoning her A330-800neo operating plans and would opt for the competitor of Airbus, Boeing's Dreamliner (787 -9s). They ordered 20, leaving the A330 suspended

What is the A330-800Neo?

The Airbus A330-800Neo is one of two versions of the A330Neo (the other is the A330-900Neo), which were launched simultaneously to improve the very successful Airbus A330 Series. Neo stands for new engine option.

The A330-800Neo that embraces Uganda, is slightly smaller than the A330-900Neo, carrying about 30 passengers less (in the configuration 2 classes), but it is said to be more fuel efficient and profitable than his sister, but he remains very unpopular on the market.

Since the start of production of both cars in 2014, Airbus has been able to take 224 orders for the A330-900Neo, and no orders for the A330-800Neo at the end of the year last. months, until Uganda placed the first 2 firm orders on Wednesday.


The Airbus A330-800Neo is an elegant and beautiful aircraft, and as we said earlier, with its low fuel consumption, operational versatility Cabin comfort, range and capital costs, it is one of the most efficient airliners on the market.

So why does not any company want it on their fleet?

Airbus A330-800 beautiful aircraft

The plane seems to have been made red nant by the 30-seat advantage of the A330-900Neo. The A330-800 prides itself on a longer range (distance than it can cover) up to 7,800 nautical miles, but that does not give it any advantage.

In aviation, the lack of acceptance of the industry can seriously harm an aircraft mark, and this seems to be the case with the A330 800 Neo

When shortly or no airlines buy a particular plane, other airlines will not touch it regardless of its effectiveness, for fear of all kinds of complications in terms of

This is the explanation that was given by Hawaiian Airlines when they gave up A330-800 orders in March, after realizing that they were the only customers.

"Unfortunately, the A330's" The 800 is not as popular in the market, "said Hawaiian President and CEO Peter Ingram.

" This is n & rsquo; It makes no sense to stay engaged in an aircraft that might not be sufficiently accepted the market in the future. The fact that there are no other customers for this variant at the moment puts us in the position where, if we continue with the order, we would have very few options if we have to make a change. "

At this point, it is quite questionable if the decision makers of Uganda Airlines did the right cost-benefit analysis before zeroing on the A330 800Neo as a choice for an airline, which, according to the confessions of the Minister of Public Works Eng Minica Azuba she himself,


The only advantage of the A330 800Neo apart from the fact that passengers will love its comfort, it is that it flies a little longer, the disadvantage is that, because there are only a few in the sky, maintenance will be difficult – the parts will be difficult to obtain.

residual value, and thus har d) sell on the second hand market in case Uganda Airlines has to make a change.

They will probably be there until they are ready for scrap.

Meanwhile, on social networks, Ugandans seem to be very skeptical already

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