Uganda takes off with Airbus "junk"


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Uganda has become the only customer of the Airbus A330 series -800 New Engine Option (Neo), which Uganda Airlines announced Wednesday to have signed a memorandum of understanding with Airbus for two A330-800 worth $ 586 million so that the two entities have helped each other revive their business plans.

The agreement was announced Wednesday by Uganda Airlines General Manager, Ephraim Bagenda, and Eric Schulz, the Airbus sales manager, at the biennial Farnborough Air Show in the UK.

The agreement renews hope for Airbus, which lost an order for six A330-800s by Hawaiian Airlines in March. The carrier has canceled orders for the Boeing 787-900.

"This agreement demonstrates our ambition for economic growth supported by a robust aerospace industry.The A330-800 Neo combines low operating costs, long-range flying capability and a high level of comfort We are looking forward to launching operations and offering our customers the best service in their class, "said Mr. Bagenda.

The Airbus A330-800 Neo lost four orders from TransAsia Airlines In addition to Hawaiian Airlines, however, the Airbus A330-900 series has received over 210 orders.

The A330-800 flies longer and consumes less fuel than the A330-900, but the A330-900 carries 50 more passengers and has better residual value

"We are delighted to welcome Uganda Airlines among our A330 Neo customers. The A330 Neo will bring a range of benefits, offering unmatched efficiency combined with the most modern cabin. We look forward to seeing the A330-800 Neo fly under the colors of Uganda, "said Mr. Schulz.

For Uganda, the delivery of both aircraft can only be prior to 2020, given that the aircraft is still in development The first flight test for the Airbus A330-800 Neo was scheduled for mid-2018, but it could be pushed to the later in the future. 39, year

placed a firm order for four Canadair Regional Jet 900 (CRJ 900) series, rounding its aircraft orders to $ 776 million and expressing the strongest intention for three years since Kampala has announced its intention to revive a national company.

He now joins Air Tanzania, RwandAir and Kenya Jambojet as regional carriers who preferred the Bombardier-C series for short routes in the region.

" We congratulate Uganda for the revival of its carrier We are delighted that the new airline has selected Bombardier and the CRJ900 regional aircraft for its upcoming debut. We look forward to supporting the development of Uganda's regional air transport with these jet planes, "said Jean-Paul Boutibou, vice president of sales for the Middle East and Africa at Bombardier Commercial. Aircraft: According to a draft plan as seen by The EastAfrican .

They will be supplemented by three domestic routes and an equal number of international destinations in the short and medium term.

No delivery date Was announced for the 900 CRJs that were purchased at $ 190 million, but the business plan indicates the first quarter of 2019 for the start of regional operations.

The A330s are expected in December 2020, with provisional entry into service at the beginning of 2021.

The international route network will include London, Mumbai and a point on the Chinese mainland.

According to the plan, the break-even point on regional roads, which will account for 60% of revenues, is planned for the fourth year.

The operational break-even point should be 64% for regional roads and 80% for international routes.

Ambitious plans also provide for the carrier to provide a quarter of Uganda's 1.6 million passenger market.

The domestic market of 15,000 passengers per year will be served by partnerships with existing national airlines.

Uganda Airlines, which will buy the A330 at $ 293 million unit, asked its sole shareholder, the government, to commit $ 70 million of the Treasury in four installments over the next three years.

The $ 313 million required for aircraft purchases and spare parts will be funded by a 10-year senior loan. senior loan of a duration of seven years.

The money will be borrowed at a ceiling rate of 5% using the credit of a combination of banks, private equity firms, According to the justification of the fleet plan, the l & # 39; purchase was chosen by leasing because the latter would be more expensive.

reviewed and several key issues were noted. In particular, rental costs in relation to the purchase of new and used aircraft were evaluated.

"Available leases for short periods of time are" wet leases "(aircraft and crew leases), which are very expensive, with structures involving return conditions," he said. Project team, adding that dry aircraft leases tend to be available for used aircraft, with leases of at least five years.

On the other hand, leases for new aircraft are available for dealerships from seven years of age or older. The team estimated that the costs associated with long-term leases "would weigh on the cash flow and hinder the growth of the national airline."

"The business plan and implementation work recommends that the main fleet be used International networks should be purchased to allow the accumulation of equity in the airline, as opposed to leasing, which works to the benefit of the lessors of the airline. plane, "the team said

The plan calls for incentives, including a Fifth Freedom review granted by the government, allocation of offices at national airports and waiver of overflight, air navigation, to Landing, self-help, parking, passenger services, airport and other charges for 10 years of operation.

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