UN rethinks role of peacekeeping in Africa


Published on
28.11.2018 at 19:21
APA News

The United Nations has indicated that it is thinking about the nature of its peacekeeping missions in Africa to carry out reforms to improve such operations. In Dakar, Senegal, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations United in West Africa and the Sahel, Mohamed Ibn Chambas said that this was necessary because of the questions raised about their impact on certain regions of the continent, especially those threatened by terrorism.

"We are reforming the United Nations, particularly with regard to peacekeeping in Africa and elsewhere," said Chambas, calling for the intensification of the war on terror.

"Violent extremism and terrorism are new challenges for us. And the way to deal with them must also be appropriate, because in the past, peacekeeping missions were carried out in a context where there were two clearly identified parties to the conflict (the rebels against the government), "said the Ghanaian diplomat. .

Today, we have witnessed an asymmetrical war in which it is impossible to sit down and talk to terrorists, "he said.

Illustrating his point, he cited Somalia as an example "where we focused our efforts on fighting al-Shabaab for great success."

The UN official said, however, that with regard to the Sahel, the international community has not accepted this model, even though it has proved effective in Somalia.

On November 5, Senegalese President Macky Sall, while hosting the Fifth International Forum on Peace and Security in Africa, called for a reform of the United Nations military missions on the continent with a view to promoting peace and security. greater efficiency.

Sall had claimed that despite the deployment of UN troops to neighboring Mali, the country continued to be plagued by insecurity.

While calling for sustained funding from the G5's joint force for the Sahel, Chambas expressed hope that with the death of jihadist leader Hamadoun Kufa, acts of terrorism in Mali would decline.

Last week, the Malian Ministry of Defense confirmed that Kufa and 30 militants had been liquidated.

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