UNESCO and the EU congratulate the archives of TBC's Nyerere Liberation Studio


The Safeguarding, Preserving and Promoting Tanzanian Photographic Heritage Archives Project is funded by UNESCO in collaboration with partners and associates of the EU

The launch was made by the Director Tanzania's information services, Dr. Hassan Abbas. on behalf of the Minister of Information, Culture, Arts and Sports, Harrison Mwakyembe.

Ann-Therese Ndong-Jatta, UNESCO Regional Director for East Africa and Head of the UNESCO Office in Dar es Salaam, said that the The project aims to ensure the sustainability of audio and printed heritage archives. The studio is an important heritage asset, as a monumental site on what was widely used in the era of liberation since the broadcasting station with an external service channel dedicated to the struggle in southern Africa, has -she says.

"I am pleased to know that the realization of the project will continue on the path of independence," said the regional director of UNESCO.

The studio's theme is "The Road to Independence in Africa: Africa's Heritage Liberation Program," a continental program held in Tanzania.

Ann-Thérèse said the program was developed in the framework of a co-collaboration with the Member States of the African Union (AU) and UNESCO. It is largely intended to recognize the spirit of solidarity and cooperation among Africans in the context of the liberation movement.

It is a recognition of the importance of the liberation movement to decolonize the continent, especially the role played by Tanzania and some other African countries provide material and moral support to the liberation movement [19659002] "In all that we do, we must ensure ownership, responsibility and sustainability in managing the preservation of this important heritage," said the Regional Director of Unesco. In his address, Charlie Stuart, EU Affairs Officer to Tanzania and the East African Community (EAC), said that the US government has announced that Tanzania's independence had been crucial to peace, freedom and unity in Africa. More than 1000 hours of digitized audio recordings during project implementation are valuable testimonials of these efforts.

"The rich heritag It is valuable for Tanzania as well as for researchers and Africans around the world, seeking to understand the history of these nations," he said

. Stuart warned: [TRADUCTION] "No dissemination of access to heritage archives is possible if these archives are lost due to disintegration, neglect, or technological obsolescence. ".

According to the EU, the project came to work at the same time as they celebrate the European Year of Cultural Heritage. He encouraged the host Government to continue the good work undertaken by the project and to strive to preserve the rich national archives located here.

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