Using Smartphone for an extended period can impact the memory of adolescence | health


According to a new study by Swiss researchers, exposure to radiation from smartphones can have an impact on the memory of adolescents.

The results show that exposure to high frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) emitted by mobile phones used for more than a year can have a negative effect on the development of Figurative Memory at teens. Figural memory is located in the right hemisphere of the brain and the association with RF-EMF has been pronounced in adolescents using cell phones on the right side of the head. "This may suggest that the RF-EMFs absorbed by the brain are indeed responsible for the observed associations," said Martin Roosli, head of environmental exposures and health at the Swiss Institute of Tropical Health and Public Health ( Swiss TPH) in Switzerland. 19659002] The potential risks to the brain can be minimized by using a headset or speakerphone during the call, especially when the network quality is low and the mobile phone is operating at maximum power. It is important to note that sending text messages, playing games or surfing the Internet has shown only marginal exposure to RF-EMF electromagnetic fields and was not associated with the development of memory performance.

However, it is not yet clear how RF-EMF could potentially affect brain processes or how long-term results are, Roosli said.

Previous studies have linked the excessive smartphone use among teens with a "modest" but significant increase in the new Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The more social media, streaming videos, text messages, music downloads, or online chats with them, the more likely they were to report symptoms such as difficulty in organizing and completing tasks or tasks. problems.

Another study suggested that prolonged use of smartphones and computers could increase the risk of depression and adolescent-related suicide behavior, particularly among girls.

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