Viagra trial for pregnant women arrested after 11 babies die



July 25, 2018 09:56:01

A Dutch trial with Sildenafil, sold under the brand name Viagra, was stopped immediately after 11 babies of mothers using the drug died.

When the trial was stopped, about half of the 183 pregnant women involved in the study were taking Sildenafil, the hospital participating in the Academic Medical Center of the University of Toronto. 39; Amsterdam (AMC) said.

The study began in 2015 and involved 11 hospitals. It was designed to examine the possible benefits of increased blood flow to the placenta in mothers whose unborn babies were severely underdeveloped.

About 15 women who took the drug have not yet given birth.

Sildenafil would have a positive effect on the growth of babies: the first results of the current study have shown that there could be adverse effects for the baby after birth, "said the l & # 39; s AMC

. and 11 are dead. Among the roughly equal control group, only three babies had lung problems and none died.

Of the women taking Sildenafil, 11 babies died because of a "possibly related lung disease" that caused hypertension in the lungs.

An interim analysis showed that the risk of blood vessel disease in the lungs "appears to be greater and the risk of death after birth seems to have increased".

"The researchers found no positive effect for the children on other findings," said the CMA.

Stephen Evans, professor of pharmacoepidemiology at the School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine of London, said the small number of trials with pregnant "There have been other studies in this area, involving both preliminary work using animals and pregnant women, and nothing indicated that the treatment was dangerous based on previous research, "he said.

Viagra was originally developed by Pfizer, but is now off patent and available as a generic.

Pfizer has no immediate comment.



infant health,


women's health,

medical research,




July 25, 2018 09:54:31

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