Victoire Ingabire: the close collaborator of the Rwandan opposition found dead


Anselme Mutuyimana, 30, was found Saturday morning in the Gishwatu Forest in the northwestern region of the country.

Ingabire leads the FDU-Inkingi party, an unregistered coalition of opposition parties against President Paul Kagame, in power since 2000

In a statement, the party said the locals who found it said that Mutuyimana appeared to have died as a result of strangulation.

Placide Kayumba, vice president of the FDU living in exile in Belgium, told CNN that Mutuyimana had been released last summer from a six-year prison term for "political activism".

Mutuyimana had traveled from Kigali to visit his father and sister in the area, but had been killed before returning, Kayumba said.

"The FDU-Inkingi strongly condemns the assassination of Mr. Anselme Mutuyimana and call on the government to conduct a thorough investigation to identify the culprits who must face the law," according to the party statement.

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The Rwandan authorities claim to have opened an investigation into the death.

"Investigations continue to establish the cause of his death and no suspects have yet been apprehended," the Rwanda Investigation Bureau told CNN in a statement sent by email.

Opposition politicians in Rwanda have often been imprisoned for what they say are fabricated charges for expressing their opposition to Kagame.

The UDF leader, Ingabire, returned to Rwanda to participate in the 2010 presidential elections after spending years abroad, but was prevented from running for office and served eight years in prison for 15 years. imprisonment, in particular for collaboration with a terrorist organization and "ideology of genocide".

Ingabire was one of more than 2,000 prisoners who received a presidential pardon last September.

Rwandan Justice Minister Johnston Businge said at the time that his imprisonment and his release were not political. "There is nothing political about his release, there is nothing political about his imprisonment," Businge said.
Diane Rwigara, a 37-year-old non-party affiliated human rights activist, was hoping to run for president before being disqualified in 2017.
A leader of a Rwandan opposition party fears he will be killed in the news that he escaped jail

She was sentenced to 22 years in prison until she was acquitted of charges of fraud and incitement to insurgency by the Kigali High Court last year. .

Boniface Twagirimana, another senior UDF official, has been missing since last October, after disappearing from a high security prison where he was detained for five days following a transfer from a police station. Other institution.

The Rwandan prison services claimed to have escaped from the prison, but party officials said they suspected a "criminal act".

Andre Kagwa Rwisereka, another opposition politician, was found dead, his head almost torn barely a month before the 2010 presidential vote.

Rwisereka's Green Democratic Party had not been able to register to participate in the polls.

CNN's Kara Fox contributed to this report.

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