Vietnamese poachers arrested in South Africa to appear in court


Police found lion bones, lion meat, tiger skin, gas bottles, gas burners, containers, saws, knives and other equipment when they intercepted the two. vehicles of the suspects heading Sunday to an unused farm in the Northwest.

"In terms of how many lions, on our side, there is not yet a precise number … but there are many," said Captain Tlangelani Rikhotso. AFP.

"There were different parts of the lion that were there … so you can not tell exactly if it's the stomach or anything, but the lion as a whole was cut roughly. "

Local media reported that at least 40 lions had been killed.

Of the eight suspects aged 22 to 60, two are South African and six Vietnamese.

Once in detention, the suspects took the police to a farm where a lion's skin was found in a bush and large machines that would have been used as tools to cut bones were also found in a garage.

The arrest follows a three-month intelligence operation by the Northwestern Hawks' Serious Crime Unit, in collaboration with other law enforcement agencies.

But the police did not want to say if she thought it was part of a poaching syndicate or an isolated incident, claiming that the investigation was going on.

South Africa has 8,000 captive lions for hunting and only 3,000 wild lions live in the national parks of the country where hunting is prohibited.

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