Vorskla Poltava vs. Arsenal: UEFA wants the shock of the Europa League to continue


UEFA has announced that it is working with the Ukrainian Football Federation (FFU) to ensure that Arsenal's rearranged match against Vorskla Poltava will take place on Thursday in Kiev.

The scene of clashes in Group E was transferred from the Vorskla Stadion in Poltava to Kiev – about 300 km east of the Ukrainian capital – after the proclamation of martial law in some parts of the country.

UEFA apologized to both groups of supporters for the inconvenience of the change – announced Tuesday night – and said it would send high-level security experts to assess the situation in Ukraine.

A statement from UEFA said: "On November 26, 2018, the national government declared the rule of martial law in certain regions of Ukraine.

"Due to this exceptional step, UEFA had to urgently examine the potential impact on the organization of the UEFA Europa League match between Vorskla and FC Arsenal on 29 November.

"UEFA's urgent decision to move the match to Kiev was based on the sudden introduction of martial law and the uncertainty of the security situation in certain areas of the country." Ukraine and in particular given the extremely short time available to assess all existing risks.

"UEFA is now working closely with the Ukrainian Football Federation (FFU) to hold the match tomorrow at the Olympiskiy Stadium in Kiev. This decision concerns the match FC Vorskla and Arsenal FC.

"UEFA is also continuing its close collaboration with the FFU to examine all the implications for match-holding in certain regions of Ukraine in the near future.

"UEFA will send top security experts to Ukraine to further assess the situation and the potential impact on the security of the next UEFA matches.

"UEFA regrets the disadvantages that the relocation of this match has caused to supporters and FC Vorskla."

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