Walkabout Resources Ltd Continues Its Lindi Graphite Project in Tanzania | Global Edition


Walkabout Resources Ltd is currently planning several water wells in the vicinity of the planned mine and mill site at the Lindi Jumbo Graphite Project in southern Tanzania.

A program of drilling and trenching began The Walkabout team recently met with the chairman of the Tanzanian Mining Commission, Professor Idris Kikula, Professor Shukrani Manya, the secretary of the commission , and the commissioner. Dr. Athanas Macheyeki

The Commission has finalized the capture of the standard "Integrity Pledge" and "Local Content" forms for all mining companies to be completed and which will form an integral part of all mining license applications.

company has already submitted a pledge of honesty, the commission has taken its judgment to normalize the expenditure of these for all candidates, and

In Namibia, the Ministry of Mines and Energy reported that the renovation of the Walkabout license is near and that this will allow the company to progress in the detailed evaluation of the target areas.

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