Wanted: Agricultural Insurance in Tanzania


Discussing ways to promote agricultural loans as the nation prepares to implement the second phase of the Agricultural Sector Development Program (ASDP-II), the seminar facilitators emphasized the need for the government to Debaters were developing a presentation from Tanzania's Private Agricultural Sector Support Representative (PASS), Killo Lussewa, who said the Bunge was well placed to advise the government on the need to introduce legislation that would increase lending in the United States. Agriculture and, at the same time, reassure the banks that the money intended for agriculture is not lost.

Lussewa, who is also the Director of Business Development of PASS, praised the Southern Tanzania Agricultural Growth Corridor (SAGCOT) as Tanzania's flag bearer for modernizing agriculture and transforming peasants, says SAGCOT. has an enviable experience of catalysing responsible agribusiness investments in Tanzania and increasing the livelihoods of smallholders.

"This nation has had great success in areas served by SAGCOT and hopefully the SAGCOT model will be replicated in as many of our countries as possible," Lussewa told reporters, adding that Tanzanian agriculture needed money to pay high level experts and ensure the best agriculture. In his presentation, the representative of the East African Cereals Council (EAGC), Ikunda Terry, hailed the seminar as a laudable forum that allowed MPs to know the achievements, challenges and challenges of "We hope that through this seminar, parliamentarians will have a broad understanding of the ASDP II and agriculture in general," he said, congratulating the government and the actors sector for the organization of the seminar. 19659002] The representative of the FSDT, Mwombeki Baregu, said that the trust fully supports the ASDP-II because the program directs the actors of agriculture.

With this program, we believe that there is room for education on the control of funds and expenses, the personal savings for a farmer to become a potential investor. "

He said that agricultural finance was an important tool in the transformation of the sector, a partner in the sector that employs the majority of Tanzania.

The PDSA-II was recently launched by President John Magufuli. The Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Charles Tizeba, also attended this seminar attended by representatives of 15 major stakeholder organizations including SAGCOT, AGRA, TPSF, FSDT, ASPIRE, EAGC, ACT, Ansaf, AMDT and others.

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