We are all Zimbabweans, VP tells the Indian community


million. Constantino Chiwenga, retired vice president, told the Indian community that they were not foreigners but Zimbabwean citizens and that they should adopt the national development program that will mark a new chapter of the socio-economic development of the country. He spoke in Harare during an interactive meeting with members of the Asian community and supporters of Zanu PF who live in Belvedere, Harare and the surrounding area.

People of Indian descent were present in Zimbabwe since the 1890s, when their ancestors who were working as plantation workers in neighboring South Africa crossed the border into Southern Rhodesia at the time.

During the colonial era, native Indians and Zimbabweans

Most Indians did not participate in active politics but some of them channeled funds to support freedom fighters.

When the country gained independence, the majority of the Indian community remained out of active politics. many of them became personalities of the Zanu PF party and the government.

This Sunday, after more than three decades after independence, members of the Asian community showed solidarity with the government when they met for an interactive meeting that they had requested with the leaders of the country.

Vice President Chiwenga said the operation restores successful inheritance because of the multitude of Zimbabweans of all races and beliefs who marched together in November 2000.

He told the Asian community that they were not strangers and that they had to embrace the national development agenda. He urged the Asian community to rally behind Zanu PF's presidential candidate, Cde Emmerson Mnangagwa, as the record of achievements he has managed to achieve in seven months in power is unquestionable.

On the elections, Cde Chiwenga said that the explosion of Bulawayo during a demonstration of Zanu PF will not discourage the leadership of Zanu PF, adding that the government is determined to e, fair election and credible.

He also criticized the Harare City Council headed by the MDC-T for failing to provide reliable and good-quality service to the people

Vice President Chiwenga took advantage of the l & # 39; opportunity to present the future adviser of Zanu PF in Belvedere, Cde Aburarrahman. Candidate for the Sapa and Warren Park National Assembly, Cde Gilbert Muponda

Dr. Chiwenga urged people to vote for Zanu PF candidates who will work with the president to bring development to the country.

Professor Hasu Patel The Ambassador to Australia, New Zealand and Singapore attended the meeting and Vice President Chiwenga paid tribute to a number of Indians including the national hero Cde Kantibhai Patel, member of the Politburo and Central Committee of Zanu PF, Cde Bharat Patel and Ahmed Ibrahim, who was a judge at the Supreme Court of Zimbabwe.

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