West Africa, electronic data exchange for ships


Malabo – Vessels and ports to be able to exchange arrival and departure data electronic note, from April 2019, in the framework of the Convention on the Facilitation of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). These requirements also encourage the use of a one-stop shop in which the many agencies and authorities involved exchange data via a single point of contact. Training on the requirements of the treaty took place at national seminars in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea (13-15 November) and Nouakchott, Mauritania (20-22 November).

The seminars highlighted the objectives of the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic (FAL): to encourage public authorities to treat their customs clearance procedures effectively and efficiently, to reduce the burden on ships, their cargoes, their passengers and their crews in ports: 46 participants Seminar of Malabo, organized by the IMO and the Ministry of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea; Twenty-one government and private sector representatives attended the seminar organized in Nouakchott by the IMO and the Mauritanian Ministry of Fisheries and Maritime Economy.

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