WFP launches innovation accelerator in Tanzania


The launch of the hub is part of the implementation of its four-year National Strategic Plan (CSP) aligned with the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Program, which aims to end poverty, reduce inequalities, combat climate change and food security.

Speaking at the launch in Dar es Salaam over the weekend, WFP Executive Director David Beasley said the Tanzanian center would be committed to piloting or scaling up new innovations in science and technology. Attacker to the hungry.

"Innovation is essential to enable countries to achieve the goals of sustainable development, with the effects of climate change, inventive solutions are absolutely necessary to overcome the challenges of hunger around the world ". expresses the need for innovation, including the need to unleash the creativity of the private sector and other stakeholders to harness the comparative advantages of the country and thereby boost productivity, strengthen innovation and promote innovation. economic integration.

WFP country representative Michael Dunford said that in the strategic plan, the agency focuses specifically on two of the 17 globally adopted SDGs – SDG2 – Zero Hunger – and SDG17 – Partnerships for objectives. SDG 2 aims to eradicate hunger by 2030, while SDG 17 promotes partnerships, public and private.

According to him, the new center will offer workshops, local conferences and working groups, thus becoming a local center for innovation, helping to strengthen intersectoral partnerships with government, academic institutions and centers. of entrepreneurship

. a local innovation program will be proposed to equip local entrepreneurs with the necessary skills to drive innovations and develop solutions that will accelerate the fight against hunger.

"Through the center, WFP will initiate internal and external innovation calls with entrepreneurs, students and the general public, which will facilitate the search for new ideas and new talents around local issues, can then be integrated into workshops and capacity-building programs, "he said

which includes designers, technical experts, international entrepreneurs, academic institutions, foundations and industry companies. private

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