What is the Zika virus and how is it spread? Symptoms, travel tips and treatment


The spread of the Zika virus made headlines in the world media in 2015 and 2016 after an epidemic began in Brazil, although it was first discovered in Africa in 1947.

The number of cases has declined considerably since then, but the virus still poses a "significant" long-term problem according to the World Health Organization.

    Zika is mainly transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, but can also be sexually transmitted

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Zika is mainly transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, but can also be sexually transmitted

What is Zika?

The virus is named after the Zika Forest in Uganda – the first place where it was detected.

The first human to have been infected with the Zika virus dates back to 1952, but it is more than 60 years later, in early 2015 in Brazil, that the virus has really begun to threaten public health.

The virus usually causes only a very mild infection: only a fifth of infected people become significantly ill, but it could be more serious for people with weakened immune systems and for pregnant women. from mother to baby.

Zika has been associated with Guillain-Barré syndrome, a neurological condition that can cause paralysis.

It is also related to the congenital malformation associated with microcephaly, which causes them to be born with an abnormally small head.

Microcephaly is also associated with incomplete brain development.

Doctors are now hoping to develop a vaccine that will provide total protection against the devastating effects of the Zika virus.

What did Brazil say about Zika?

Brazil has declared the end of its public health emergency for the Zika virus at the end of 2016.

The Ministry of Health said efforts to control the mosquitoes that spread the Zika virus would continue, as well as assistance to affected families.

Brazil declared the emergency situation in April 2015, while the number of cases of zika and associated birth defects has increased.

The spread coincided with the organization of the Rio de Janeiro Summer Olympics in 2016, with several top athletes choosing not to travel to Brazil due to concerns raised by Zika.

Most people infected with Zika never develop symptoms, but the infection during pregnancy has been associated with birth defects, including microcephaly, in which the skull of a baby is smaller than expected.

In 2017, Zika's cases dropped dramatically. From January to mid-April, the Ministry of Health recorded 95% fewer cases than in the same period last year.

The World Health Organization lifted its own international emergency in November, while claiming that the virus remained a threat.

How is Zika spread?

Zika is mainly transmitted by mosquito bites of the infected Aedes species, which bite both day and night.

However, the Zika virus can also be sexually transmitted with the virus and remain in the sperm of an infected man for months.

More worryingly, it can be transmitted from mother to child in the uterus, resulting in the birth of infants with severe birth defects.

One of the best ways to avoid catching Zika is to avoid being bitten by a mosquito.

Wearing an insect repellent, wearing a long-sleeved shirt and pants and avoiding stagnant water can help limit the risk of biting.

People have also been warned not to visit areas known to have high levels of Zika.

What are the symptoms of Zika?

Although Zika does not necessarily affect all carriers of the virus, here are the types of symptoms that patients may experience:

  • reckless
  • itching all over the body
  • fever
  • headache
  • joint pain (with possible swelling)
  • muscle pain
  • conjunctivitis
  • lower back pain
  • pain behind the eyes

Babies can also be born with serious congenital anomalies due to the virus.

There is currently no specific treatment against Zika – although scientists are currently working on a vaccine.

The NHS guidelines suggest drinking plenty of water and taking paracetamol can relieve symptoms in the adult.

People were also invited to seek urgent advice to help eliminate a malaria diagnosis if they started to feel bad.

Is it safe to go to areas where Zika is present?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have listed the countries and regions in which they advise pregnant women not to travel.

The Caribbean islands, South America, Fiji, Tonka and Thailand are among the high-risk areas of Zika.

In October 2018, it was confirmed that Meghan Markle would travel to Fiji and Tonga as part of a royal tour with Prince Harry, despite concerns raised by Zika.

All travelers to affected areas are advised to follow the measures taken to prevent mosquito bites.

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