While the valuation of Sina Corp (SINA) declined, Holder Nine Masts Capital LTD reduced its stake of $ 3.31 million


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July 15, 2018 – By Sheila Pollock

Investor sentiment rose to 1.59 in 2018 Q1. Its up 0.21, up from 1.38 in 2017Q4. It improved, as 19 investors sold SINA shares while 54 reduced their holdings. 36 funds opened positions while 80 raised issues. 43.54 million shares, a decrease of 1.53% from 44.22 million shares in the fourth quarter of 2017, were reported. Ionic Lc, a New York-based fund reported 12,822 shares. Whitebox Advsrs Limited Liability Corporation reported holding 1.13% of its portfolio in SINA Corporation (NASDAQ: SINA). Northwestern Mutual Wealth Mgmt holds 0% or 147 Units. Apg Asset Management NV invested 0% in SINA Corporation (NASDAQ: SINA). Bluecrest Cap has accumulated 3,273 shares. Bailiff Gifford And reported 423 107 shares. Citadel Advsr Ltd reported 79,692 shares or 0% of all its holdings. Balyasny Asset Management Limited Liability Co. has invested 0% in SINA Corporation (NASDAQ: SINA). Bancorporation of New York Mellon Corp owns 70,334 shares. Jane Street Ltd. Liability Corp. has invested 0% in SINA Corporation (NASDAQ: SINA). Walleye Trading Limited Liability Corp., a Minnesota-based fund, reported 142,560 shares. Cubist Systematic Strategies Limited Liability Co. has accumulated 47,397 shares or 0.29% of the shares. In addition, Wellington Mngmt's Gp Limited Liability Partnership has invested 0.03% in SINA Corporation (NASDAQ: SINA) for 1.14 million shares. Dorsey Wright And Associates holds 1.65% of its portfolio in SINA Corporation (NASDAQ: SINA) for 107,834 shares. Fifth Third Financial Bank holds 3,425 shares or 0% of its US portfolio

Chao Ku reduced its ownership interest in Sina Corp (SINA) by 20.29% based on its latest regulatory filings with the SEC in 2018Q1. Nine Masts Capital Ltd sold 31,821 shares, the company's share losing 23.40% with the market. The hedge fund managed by Chao Ku held 124,985 shares of the pre-packaged software company at the end of 2018T1, valued at $ 13.03 million, compared to 156,806 at the end of the previous quarter. Nine Masts Capital Ltd., which had invested in Sina Corp for several months, appears to be less optimistic than the $ 6.01 billion market capitalization company. The stock decreased by 0.51% or $ 0.43 during the last trading session, reaching $ 84.07. Approximately 264,764 shares were traded. SINA Corporation (NASDAQ: SINA) has decreased by 2.41% since July 15, 2017 and is trending downward. It underperformed the S & P500 by 14.98%.

Nine Masts Capital Ltd, which manages approximately US $ 653.66 million Long Portfolio, increased its stake in Nxp Semiconductors NV (NASDAQ: NXPI) from 162,949 shares to 210,072 shares, valued at $ 24.58 million 2018Q1 , depending on the deposit. It also increased its stake in Alphabet Inc by 122,957 shares during the quarter, for a total of 123,457 shares, and increased its stake in Qudian Inc.

Analysts Wait SINA Corporation (NASDAQ: SINA) The group reports earnings of $ 0.44 per share, up 41.94% or $ 0.13 from $ 0.31 a share last year. SINA's profits will rise to $ 31.45 million for 47.77 P / E if EPS of $ 0.44 becomes a reality. After real earnings per share of $ 0.38 reported by SINA Corporation in the previous quarter, Wall Street now expects earnings per share growth of 15.79%.

Another recent and important publication of SINA Corporation (NASDAQ: SINA) was published by Nasdaq.com which published an article entitled: "SINA and Weibo Are They Too Much To Ignore?" July 1, 2018.

SINA Corporation (NASDAQ: SINA) Rating Coverage

Of 5 analysts covering Sina Corp (NASDAQ: SINA), 5 have Buy, 0 Sell and 0 Hold ratings. Therefore, 100% are positive. Sina Corp had 7 analyst reports since January 23, 2018 according to SRatingsIntel. The company was held on Thursday, February 15 by JP Morgan. The title was "bought" by CLSA on Wednesday 14 February. The company was held on Tuesday, Jan. 23 by Jefferies. Jefferies has maintained SINA shares in the report on Thursday, February 15 with the note "Buy". On Tuesday, March 13, the note of the action was maintained by Jefferies with "Buy"

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