Who is Alexis Ohanian? All you need to know about Reddit's co-founder who married Serena Williams


Tennis actress Serena Williams married her Prince Charming Alexis Ohanian at a lavish wedding ceremony in New Orleans last November.

Serena is one of the most successful sports stars and has earned millions in a career where she dominates the game.

But she met her partner Alexis Ohanian, her technology entrepreneur partner, after their chance meeting in 2015.

Since then, they became engaged, welcomed their daughter Alexis Junior and formalized their union in an extravagant marriage with The theme of Beauty and the Beast, Italian cuisine and carousel

Who is Serena Williams' husband, Alexis Ohanian?

Alexis Ohanian is a genius and author of 34 years.

The Happy Couple

He was born in Brooklyn, New York City and raised in Baltimore, Maryland.

Alexis studied history at the University of Virginia l awyer immigration, before meeting Steve Huffman and launching Reddit

What is the work of Alexis Ohanian?

Alexis is the co-founder of Reddit, a multimillionaire and the seemingly "Mayor of the Internet" thanks to his fiercely frank views.

Alexis is also the author of the 2013 bestseller, Without Their Permission: How the 21st Century Will Be Achieved, Unmanaged, Which Examines How Reddit Was Formed and Includes Its Conviction That the Internet can be attracted for good

Alexis is co-founder of Reddit

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He was included twice on Forbes' influential 30 Under 30 list – once when he was 28 years old to be the CEO of Breadpig, and the following year for his work Reddit.

His personal motto is "to make the world suck less" and he has invested in more than 200 small businesses, which he personally vets to make sure they agree with his creed. [19659005] How Much is Alexis Ohanian?

His net worth is somewhere in the region of $ 4.5 million and he first jumped on the Internet by creating Reddit in 2005 with Steve Huffman.

He was there when the site took off and was acquired by Conde Naste's publications in 2006. Alexis continued to work with Reddit until in 2010, he left to invest in several start-ups, before returning a few years later

Alexis Ohanian is a Technology Entrepreneur

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When did Serena Williams meet Alexis Ohanian?

Alexis and Serena met for the first time in 2015 at a luncheon and began dating in October of this year.

Alexis sat at a table reserved for Cavalieri in Rome, she told him to move.

Alexis had a hangover and refused to move despite Serena's camp saying that there was a rat under the table.

Serena's first words to her fiance were: I want you to sit there. We will use this table. "

Then he joined them and the rest was history.

Although they are not the most public celebrity couples, Alexis supports Serena's tennis career since They met – and he posted public congratulations on his Instagram when she won the 2016 Wimbledon Women's Final.

How did Serena Williams and Alexis Ohanian announce their engagement?

Serena announced their engagement on – where else? – Reddit, with a poem describing how he had taken her to Rome

"I came back / A little late / Somewhat" one had a bag packed for me

"And an expected car / Destination: Rome

" To accompany me to my own "lovely" / Back to where our stars collided

Alexis supporting Serena in Melbourne in January

"And now it was full circle / At the same table we met by chance

" This time he did not by chance / But by choice

"On a Knee / He said 4 words / And I said yes. "

Alexis immediately responded to Serena's public statement by saying," And you made me the happiest man on the planet. "

How did Serena Williams announce her pregnancy? Reveal that she is expecting her first child.

She announced her pregnancy on Snapchat

Serena a shared a photo of his blooming baby hump The star's report confirmed that the baby was due to arrive in the fall

and three months after winning his 23rd Grand Slam title in Melbourne.

She agreed Vanity Fair's cover and admitted that the pregnancy had been a shock, and that a friend had persuaded her to do a pregnancy test.

Explaining her thought, Williams said, "I'm going to take that because (a) badly and (b) because it's fun, it does not matter, it's like a joke, why not? "

After taking the test, she l? forgot, thinking that it was impossible that she could be positive.

When she finally checked the results, she said that She had made a double gesture. Like literally, she dropped. His first thought: "Oh my God, it can not be – I have to play a tournament. How am I going to play at the Open of Australia? "I had planned to win Wimbledon (his third straight line) this year."

After discovering that she was pregnant, Serena called her fiance and told her to fly to Melbourne sooner than planned. . When she saw him, she handed him a paper bag containing the six positive pregnancy tests.

When did Alexis and Serena have their baby?

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Serena announced the arrival of the couple's daughter with a post on Instagram stories in mid-September.

She wrote: "Hello, world, daughter Alexis Olympia Ohanian Jr.

" Born: September 1st, 2017. Weight: 6lb 14oz. Grand Slam titles: 1. "

Serena Williams shared the first picture of baby Alexis

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