Why is breastfeeding important for your little bundle of joy?


When you think about it, we all know that breast milk is one of the few immunizers for infants. Feeding breast milk to the newborn in the time of birth is said to be of immense value. The WHO and UNICEF recommend that breastfeeding begin within the hour following the birth of the child. It must be administered during the first six months of the child's life and ideally should continue until the age of two to ensure healthy growth. development of the child, in addition to reducing the infant mortality rate. However, there is currently an argument going on about it.

According to a resident of Mumbai, who filed a petition on exchange.org, her baby was fed formula while the baby was at the USI. "My blood is still boiling.It's been over a year.My newborn was fed formula when it was at the NICU.Not with my permission! My RightToBreastfeed – a right that Was given by nature – was ripped off by a hospital.My confidence was violated.I was shocked to learn that this practice is endemic in hospitals throughout India. I want the government to require doctors to obtain the consent of a parent before giving infant formula to a newborn baby, "she wrote in her petition.

Breast milk is vital for your child We give you 3 reasons why we say so:

  1. Helps to fight malnutrition : Malnutrition kills one in three babies in India, 66% of these deaths occur in the first year of life and are often caused by inappropriate feeding practices.According to the WHO, breastfeeding my Ternel is absolutely crucial in the first six months and should continue until two years with regular food. Breast milk contains all the essential nutrients for the infant. Several studies have shown that an infant fed with this milk is often healthy and has the potential to fight malnutrition.
  2. Best response to vaccines: Studies have shown that breastfed babies show a better response to antibodies
  3. Repel Diseases: Breastfeeding reduces the risk of suffering from asthma or allergies. In addition, babies who are exclusively breastfed for the first six months, without preparation, have fewer ear infections, respiratory diseases and diarrhea

Source: : Shutterstock

] Published: July 30, 2018 8:36 am

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