Why is the Microsoft contract with Sony good news for the future of the game?

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It will be the community of players that will make the most of all this in the form of more or better games.


The recent announcement of a potential partnership between Sony and Microsoft has been welcomed unsurprisingly by many speculations on what this could mean for the video game industry. The joint announcement of the two companies was rather vague about the details and the concrete terms (understandable given that the two companies are currently only bound by a memorandum of understanding), but there is still a dominant opinion according to which could transform both Sony and Microsoft and the gaming sector. business as a whole. I do not disagree with all of this, but I find it surprising that in all the columns of columns I've read about it, very few are talking about the impact that this is likely to have on the most important group of all – the players themselves. . A surprising omission, given that there would be no industry without those of us who love to play.

A difficult market

The video game industry is competitive, to the limit. This is understandable given the way the industry has developed and the impact of the recent slowdown in consumer spending. Every dollar in this sector will be actively contested, and when it comes to putting content on the market, being fast, being the first and the best is now pretty much a challenge for big players. .

The video game market is also unique in that the investment in game creation can be huge, but the time required to make this investment profitable will be limited. Typically, 80% of a game's revenue is generated in six to eight weeks after several years spent developing great games that can cost between $ 40 million and $ 40 million. I do not know of any other activity where this is the case. In this context, a misstep, a misjudgment or a misfortune to create a game that does not become a big hit with a critical mass of very insightful players could go bankrupt. Hard, is not it?

Is collaboration the way to go?

In this context, the agreement between Sony and Microsoft should be very important. There are many good reasons for these two technology giants to join forces, but in the end, the agreement makes sense because it will have a major impact on infrastructure. It seems increasingly likely that when the details of the transaction emerge, they will include the creation of a common architecture for content developers. If this happens and an architecture running on both platforms is created, it could create a vital ballast for both companies facing the extremely competitive landscape of the gaming sector. If a platform on which games can be played is created, it will be much easier for developers to create games for the cloud gaming platform at a much lower cost than they currently can.

The implications of this are incredibly exciting. The elimination of the frictions inherent in the production of innovative high quality games, then the commercialization of this content will probably have a very positive impact. When you talk about an industry as creative as the video game industry, it could upset things so that the creative geniuses of games can produce more, or even take greater creative risks with the content they create. Video games, some of which are already incredibly good, could become even better if some of the barriers are removed.

This is obviously a fabulous news for Sony and Microsoft, but it is also a music for the ears of developers and, especially, the players themselves. It is believed that Sony and Microsoft have entered into this partnership to better prepare them to compete with Amazon and Google, which makes perfect sense. Would it also be possible for two major players in technology to place their customers at the heart of their strategy, realizing that the best way to beat the competition is to collaborate to improve the entire industry?

Whatever the motivation behind this agreement, I think this can only be a good thing. In the end, it will be the community of players that will make the most of all this in the form of more and perhaps even better games. Such collaboration, however, will be beneficial for all.


It will be the community of players that will make the most of all this in the form of more or better games.


The recent announcement of a potential partnership between Sony and Microsoft has been welcomed unsurprisingly by many speculations on what this could mean for the video game industry. The joint announcement of the two companies was rather vague about the details and the concrete terms (understandable given that the two companies are currently only bound by a memorandum of understanding), but there is still a dominant opinion according to which could transform both Sony and Microsoft and the gaming sector. business as a whole. I do not disagree with all of this, but I find it surprising that in all the columns of columns I've read about it, very few are talking about the impact that this is likely to have on the most important group of all – the players themselves. . A surprising omission, given that there would be no industry without those of us who love to play.

A difficult market

The video game industry is competitive, to the limit. This is understandable given the way the industry has developed and the impact of the recent slowdown in consumer spending. Every dollar in this sector will be actively contested, and when it comes to putting content on the market, being fast, being the first and the best is now pretty much a challenge for big players. .

The video game market is also unique in that the investment in game creation can be huge, but the time required to make this investment profitable will be limited. Typically, 80% of a game's revenue is generated in six to eight weeks after several years spent developing great games that can cost between 30 and 40 million pounds. I do not know of any other activity where this is the case. In this context, a misstep, a misjudgment or a misfortune to create a game that does not become a big hit with a critical mass of very insightful players could go bankrupt. Hard, is not it?

Is collaboration the way to go?

In this context, the agreement between Sony and Microsoft should be very important. There are many good reasons for these two technology giants to join forces, but in the end, the agreement makes sense because it will have a major impact on infrastructure. It seems increasingly likely that when the details of the transaction emerge, they will include the creation of a common architecture for content developers. If this happens and an architecture running on both platforms is created, it could create a vital ballast for both companies facing the extremely competitive landscape of the gaming sector. If a platform on which games can be played is created, it will be much easier for developers to create games for the cloud gaming platform at a much lower cost than they currently can.

The implications of this are incredibly exciting. The elimination of the frictions inherent in the production of innovative high quality games, then the commercialization of this content will probably have a very positive impact. When you talk about an industry as creative as the video game industry, it could upset things so that the creative geniuses of games can produce more, or even take greater creative risks with the content they create. Video games, some of which are already incredibly good, could become even better if some of the barriers are removed.

This is obviously a fabulous news for Sony and Microsoft, but it is also a music for the ears of developers and, especially, the players themselves. It is believed that Sony and Microsoft have entered into this partnership to better prepare them to compete with Amazon and Google, which makes perfect sense. Would it also be possible for two major players in technology to place their customers at the heart of their strategy, realizing that the best way to beat the competition is to collaborate to improve the entire industry?

Whatever the motivation behind this agreement, I think this can only be a good thing. In the end, it will be the community of players that will make the most of all this in the form of more and perhaps even better games. Such collaboration, however, will be beneficial for all.

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