wkyc.com | FORECAST | Another hot day


One day with warm temperatures and oppressive humidity – then some wonderful changes happen to the forecast.

Scattered thunderstorms will shoot in the afternoon on Thursday and linger in the night.

A cold front will sweep early Friday – and it will be our game changer.

Expect a few clouds around Friday, but the humidity will drop an hour.

For the weekend – PERFECTION! High 70s and low 80s with the sun.

TONIGHT | The torrential rains disappear with the sky becoming partly cloudy. Muggy. | Bass 70s

THURSDAY | Variable clouds with developing generalized tornadoes. Hot and humid. | About 90

FRIDAY The clouds of AM give way to a bright sun. Breezy and turning less humid at the hour. | Superior of the 70's

SATURDAY | Rather sunny and crazy at ease! Fresh. | Superior of the 70's

SUNDAY | Rather sunny and seasonal. | Low of the 80s

MONDAY | Most of the time, the sky is sunny. A little warmer and slightly wetter. | Mid-1980s

TUESDAY | Partly cloudy and seasonal sky, hot and humid. | From mid-80 to the furthest

WEDNESDAY | Partly cloudy with a chance of a thunderstorm. | Mid-1980s

THURSDAY | Rather sunny, windy and less humid. | Superior 70s

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