WWE Monday Night RAW Results – Announcement History, New Contemplator # 1, Tag Match Team Title, More


Welcome to our WrestlingINC.com Live WWE Monday Night RAW Viewing Party. Tonight's show comes from the US Bank Arena in Cincinnati, Ohio.

– WWE RAW tonight opens live from the US Bank Arena in Cincinnati, Ohio, while Michael Cole welcomes us. He is joined by Jonathan Coachman and Corey Graves.

– We see all the training on the stage. Vince McMahon is in the ring to welcome us. He introduces RAW Commissioner Stephanie McMahon and Triple H. They go out on Stephanie's music for the great historic announcement.

Stephanie gets boosed when they enter the ring and she picks up the microphone. She tells everyone to take the boos out of their system and keeps talking about making memories. Triple H wants to thank the WWE Superstars before the announcement. The McMahon family is turning to on-stage training while Triple H is supplying accessories to the WWE NXT, 205 Live, RAW and SmackDown lineup. He says nights like this happen because of them. He talks about the link between the Superstars and says that he has never seen the link stronger than with the group of athletes that WWE has today. Triple H asks female Superstars on the stage to move on and they do it.

Triple H wants women to know how much the male Superstars behind them really support them. He also talks about how much the WWE Universe supports the women's division as they do each night. He becomes a bit emotional when talking about watching them steal the show again and again. He just wants them to know that we are so proud of them. Stephanie says that these moments do not just happen because of the opportunity, the incredible talent, someone or something that is important to them. They happen because we consider them important and worthy of what we love. She says the fans have asked for more opportunities for WWE women. Once again, Stephanie tells how the women's revolution started with a hashtag. Stephanie says because of this, the Divas became the Superstars that they were born to be. She continues on the evolution of women and announces Evolution for Sunday, Oct. 28 – the very first female pay-per-view event with more than 50 women. She said the 50 women will be composed of past and present talents. Everyone gives a standing ovation and the party list.

– We go to Cole and the advertisers. Cole reveals that Evolution will take place from the Nassau Coliseum on Long Island. The event will feature the final of the Mae Young 2018 Classic plus three title games – the RAW Women's title, the Women's SmackDown title and the NXT Women's title.

– Advertisers are beating colors tonight. We see Bray Wyatt and Matt Hardy on the big screen, announcing that they are there. We go to the commercial

– Back from the break and Team B is behind the scenes getting ready for tonight's title defense with a bit of comedy.

RAW Tag Match: Matt Hardy and Bray Wyatt vs. Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas

We are going into the ring and are going out Matt Hardy and Bray Wyatt. Tag RAW Team Champions The Team B will be next. We receive official JoJo ring introductions.

Wyatt starts with his brother and they go there. Wyatt launches into Bo Dallas to take control. Wyatt and Hardy both intervene now that Curtis Axel enters too. Wyatt turns around and Matt stands with him to taunt the champions, sending them off the ring. We go to the mall with Wyatt and Hardy standing in the ring.

Back from the break, Axel took control of Wyatt. Dallas returns but Wyatt covers it. Hardy and Axel score at the same time and Hardy is discharging. Hardy with corner hits and the "delete!" song. Hardy with more attack and side effect for a count of 2. Hardy goes to the middle rope and makes the crowd. Hardy nails the elbow at the back of the neck while Axel tries to get up. Hardy calls the Twist of Fate and gets the "delete!" still singing. Hardy nails the Twist of Fate but Dallas manages to break the pin.

Wyatt escaped and nailed Dallas after he broke the pin. Wyatt misses a splash in the corner. Dallas dodges a move, which causes Wyatt to fall on Hardy. Axel takes the advantage and rolls Hardy for the win.

Winners: Team B

– After the match, Axel and Dallas celebrate while Wyatt checks Hardy. We go to replays. The two teams face each other and it looks like Team B is gaining respect but they are attacked instead. Wyatt and Hardy deliver a sister Abigail and a Twist of Fate to let the fields lay eggs. Hardy and Wyatt stand up to the beat of their music

– Constable Baron Corbin has booked Finn Balor against Drew McIntyre. In addition, Bobby Lashley vs. Roman reigns in a great match # 1 contenders. Back to advertising

– Back from the break and we see what just happened with the attack on team B.

– We see the group O.A.R. at the edge of the ring in the first row. They team up with WWE to raise funds for Connor's Cure during their tour starting this week

– Finn Balor and Chad Gable are behind the scenes. They talk about the pay-per-view Evolution when employees start walking with Balor's business. One guy says that Constable Baron Corbin ordered them to move Balor to a new locker room. The guy walks Balor into a plastic children's hut, decorated with one of Balor's t-shirts and other gadgets. Corbin gets up and says after Balor's victory at Extreme Rules, he's just too big of a Superstar not to have his own locker room and this one is perfect for his size. Balor says that Corbin is an excellent gendarme and he has always wanted his own funeral home. Corbin tells him to enjoy his funhouse and enjoy tonight's game with Drew McIntyre. Corbin escaped.

– Cole shows us recent events between Sasha Banks and Bayley, which Sasha tells Bayley that she loves and that she will always do it last week. Charly Caruso is now approaching Behind the Scenes of Bayley and Banks. Charly asks if they are willing to work as a team and show everyone that they exceed their differences. Bayley says that they know that these differences make their friendship so strong. Banks says that they are two different people, but they have the same dream. They talk about Evolution and Banks says that they are more than ever ready to be on the same wavelength. Bayley says it was good to finally hear last week what her best friend felt for her. Bayley tells Sasha that it's time to go conquer the world and they leave with a smile. Return to Trade

Sasha Banks and Bayley vs. Samantha Simon and Karen Lundy

Returning from the break, Sasha Banks and Bayley leave. Two improvement talents are waiting in the ring, Samantha Simon and Karen Lundy.

Bayley begins and quickly takes control. Bayley goes to the corner and tags in the banks. Banks goes down and his opponent takes him to the corner of the street for a brace. The banks are worked but return it. Banks goes to his corner for a double team with Bayley. Bayley hands a big knee and drops the other opponent off the deck as Banks applies the banks' statement for victory.

The Winners: Sasha Banks and Bayley

– After the game, Banks and Bayley get up big as Sasha's music hits. They embrace in the middle of the ring

– We get images of Extreme Rules from Braun Strowman's match against Kevin Owens Steel Cage. Braun will be here tonight. Back to advertising

– Back from the break and Elias is on the scene with his guitar. He announces that his first album is now available but he is immediately interrupted by the music while Braun Strowman comes out with his wallet Money In the Bank.

Braun walks to the ring and congratulates the Women's Division of Evolution especially his Match Mixed Match partner, RAW Women's Champion Alexa Bliss. Braun also talks about Bobby Lashley's match against Roman Reigns tonight. Braun does not care who has the title after SummerSlam – Reigns, Lashley or WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar, because soon a monster will come for them because he has the briefcase. Braun lifts the MITB briefcase for a pop. The music interrupts and leaves Kevin Owens on stage.

Owens says that he can not believe it … you pitiless son of one … Owens tries to talk about the scene but he is upset. Owens remembers that Braun had thrown him out of the cage at Extreme Rules, saying that he could not believe that he was there to act as if nothing had happened. , speaking of the universal title. Owens yells "no!" sometimes. Owens says that he was trying to bond with Braun by the kindness of his heart and because his 10-year-old son thought it was a good idea, because his son could take Nicholas' place and win the team titles with Braun. Owens says that Braun crushed that dream like he had crushed Owens' spine at Extreme Rules. Braun laughs in the ring and Owens is more angry. Owens says that he was indestructible for his kids but that has changed, thanks to Braun. Owens says that Braun has taken everything from him and now he will take everything from Braun. Braun tells Owens to slam his ass in the ring and try. Owens says that he won the match at Extreme Rules and has nothing to prove. Owens says that Braun's problems are just beginning. The music hits and leaves Constable Baron Corbin

Corbin reminds Braun that RAW Commissioner Stephanie McMahon is here tonight. Corbin says that Stephanie allowed him to handle this situation on his own. Corbin says that Braun's actions at Extreme Rules were legal but morally reprehensible. Corbin recounts how he has been trying to help everyone since his promotion and that he will help Braun tonight since he has found someone to help Braun control his temperament. The music strikes and leaves Jinder Mahal with Sunil Singh.

Jinder hits the ring and says he's feeling a storm of anger inside. Jinder continues his shtick of "inner peace" but gets the "what !?" fan treatment. Jinder says Stephanie and Corbin have named him to help Braun on his peace journey. Jinder tries to direct Braun in some breathing exercises but Braun is not interested. Braun says it does not work and he has temperament but he has an idea of ​​himself. He calls Singh and tells him to hold the microphone. He needs Singh, Mahal and the WWE Universe to close his eyes, breathe deeply and repeat after him. Braun mocks the breathing exercises and leads a song "catch those hands". Braun Jinder floors with a big boot. Braun throws Singh into the next ring. Jinder retires but Braun catches Singh again as fans cheer. Braun seizes Singh and hits the running powerslam. Braun screams and raises his briefcase while the music hits. Jinder watches over the ramp while Braun plays with the crowd

– Cole shows us a replay of the big pay announcement at the Evolution earlier in the ring with Vince, Stephanie and Triple H.

– Still to come, Mickie James versus Natalya. Back to advertising

– Back from the break and we made a hype for Ronda Rousey against RAW Women's Champion Alexa Bliss at SummerSlam

Mickie James vs. Natalya

We let's go to Mickie James and RAW Women's Champion Alexa Bliss. Natalya is coming out soon.

Round trip to start. Bliss gets on the apron early but Natalya beats her and makes her fall. Mickie takes advantage and returns it. Mickie keeps Natalya grounded and makes some pin attempts. Natalya tries to fight and go out, but is not lucky.

Bliss barks orders at Mickie while she keeps Natalya. Natalya fights Mickie from the corner and knocks a choke. Mickie slaps Natalya but Natalya comes back with a suplex. Natalya pushes Mickie into the corner and hits her with shoulder shots. Natalya runs in an elbow. Mickie goes to the top but Natalya drops her with an electric chair. Mickie is looking for a label, but there is obviously no one there. Natalya takes advantage and hits the basement dropkick.

Bliss ends up tearing Natalya off the apron while the referee is distracted. Natalya drops Bliss on the floor with the clothesline of the disc. Natalya returns to the ring but Mickie takes advantage and drops it for the pin

Winner: Mickie James

– After the match, Mickie goes upstairs and looks Bliss, who is lying

– They are showing a video of Superstars making mainstream appearances last week, including Roman Reigns and others at the ESPN Humanitarian Sports Awards. Charly Caruso is behind the scenes with Roman Reigns, who is very confident of winning his match against Bobby Lashley tonight and going to SummerSlam to defeat Brock Lesnar for the title.

– Still to come, Finn Balor vs. Drew McIntyre

– We go back to the stage and Elias is here to try to announce his first album again. This time he is interrupted by The Authors of Pain, Akam and Rezar. They walk towards the ring while we take another commercial break.

– Back from the break and The Authors of Pain are in the ring with pickups. They will not wait forever, they want competition. No matter who else besides Titus Worldwide as they are done with them forever. The music interrupts and leaves Titus Worldwide anyway.

Titus O Neil gives The Authors props to be legitimate but says they're young, which means that they have a lot to learn to do at WWE. They do not try to hear and hit Titus for stumbling and falling. Titus Worldwide has entered the ring now, including Dana Brooke. Apollo Crews congratulates Titus for being an asset to his community and teaching crews to be the same. Crews says the writers should show Titus respect as he has been to WWE for a long time and saw people come and go, but he's still here, which means he knows something. Crews says the Authors would be champions and quality champions if they had half the class of Titus. The writers say that there may be something that Titus can do for them – he can leave and retire. Titus speaks but they come out of nowhere and attack the Authors. Titus and Crews release the ring and stand up to their music.

– RAW CEO Kurt Angle is behind the scenes with RAW Commissioner Stephanie McMahon. He was worried when he heard that Stephanie was coming but the news Evolution was great and he is proud to be GM. Baron Corbin and Kevin Owens walk. Corbin wants to see how Stephanie wants to handle the situation with Owens and Braun Strowman before she leaves. Owens blames Braun for his hard life. Corbin throws Angle "under the bus" to Stephanie. Owens says that Stephanie Braun tried to take everything away from him and now he wants to have the chance to take everything from Braun. Owens wants Braun to SummerSlam with the MITB briefcase on the line. Angle says it's nonsense. Stephanie says that she likes the idea. Stephanie congratulates Owens on getting the match. Stephanie and Owens shake hands. Owens and Corbin celebrate and Stephanie jumps into her limo, telling everyone good night before leaving.

– Still to come. Lashley vs. Reigns.

Mojo Rawley vs. Tyler Breeze

Back from the break, Tyler Breeze finishes her entry. Mojo Rawley is next.

The bell rings and Mojo misses a stake. Breeze nails a kick. Mojo tries to drop Breeze but he stays on the deck and comes back. Breeze runs the ropes but Mojo covers him and talks garbage. We get a recovery from the big collision.

Advertisers are joined by Bobby Roode from behind the scenes. He has words of choice for Mojo after Mojo dissected him on Twitter last weekend. Breeze counteracts a movement and kicks his head. More back and forth now. Break with a close 2 by roll-up. Mojo catches Breeze in the air and brings him back to the trunnions. Mojo keeps control and nails Alabama Slam sitting for the pin

Winner: Mojo Rawley

– After the match, Mojo stands while his music plays for that the referee checks Breeze.

– We go behind the scenes of Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre. Dolph talks about how they came to RAW with a plan to take over and that plan works. Drew's address to Finn Balor and says that he will wipe that ridiculous smile from Balor's face all the time tonight. Back to advertising

Finn Balor vs. Drew McIntyre

Back from the break, Elias is back on the stage. He's tired of being interrupted … Finn Balor interrupts the music. Drew McIntyre is next with WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler.

Round trip to start the game. Drew tries to take control but Balor nails a dropkick. Drew ends up outside now. Balor runs the ropes and nails a suicidal dive to bring Drew back to the ground. We go to the mall with Balor in control.

Back from the break and Drew has Balor in the middle of the ring now. Balor tries to come back but Drew pushes him away. Balor hits the ropes and nails more attack now. Drew is still standing. Balor with a big DDT in rotation for a closing of 2 points. Balor with more shots and chops in the corner now. Drew catches Balor on his shoulder but he slips and nails the enziguri.

Balor goes to the top for the Coup de Grâce but rolls through Drew who gets up. Balor with a Slingblade and a big dropkick in the corner. Balor goes back to the top but Ziggler starts him, right in front of the referee

Winner by DQ: Finn Balor

– After the bell, Ziggler hits the ring for the first time. Balor double team. The music interrupts and leaves Seth Rollins to rescue. Rollins gets a big pop as he lands on Ziggler and McIntyre before retiring. Kurt Angle comes out and orders that the match be relaunched as a team match.

Finn Balor and Seth Rollins against Drew McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler

Balor and Rollins go straight to work on Ziggler and McIntyre. Rollins brings Drew into the ring and takes him back. Balor brings Ziggler onto the ramp and rolls him into the ring. Ziggler is sent. Rollins and Balor double team Drew, sending him on the top rope. Balor and Rollins stand while the referee tries to restore order. Ziggler and McIntyre gather on the outside

Ziggler returns to the ring and separates from Rollins. Rollins gets the top and nails a big hip throw for a count of 2. Rollins keeps control and sends Ziggler over the rope to the floor. Rollins throws himself out of the ring and brings Ziggler back to the floor. Rollins stands above Ziggler on the floor as we return to the commercial scene.

Back from the break, Rollins drops Ziggler for a count of 2. Balor beats and Ziggler rubs shoulders as Drew looks. Balor runs in an elbow and goes down. Balor comes back and hits the basement dropkick for a count of 2. Ziggler pushes Balor back into the corner and Drew comes in double. Drew unloads and drops Balor in the corner. Drew moves away and bends Balor in the middle of the ring with a submission, focusing on the shoulder. Drew stops Balor from labeling and whips him around the corner. Drew Balor dropkicks on the floor. Drew picks Balor and drops him over the throat barrier.

Ziggler keeps control now. Balor drops Ziggler out of nowhere and they both go down. Drew tags in and stop Ziggler from marking. Rollins tag and discharge, sending Drew for a suicide plunge into the barrier. Rollins throws Ziggler into the barrier now. Rollins returns to the ring and nails a flying clothesline on Drew as pop fans. Drew runs in a big boot in the corner. Rollins goes to the top for a Blockbuster but Drew still goes out at 2. Rollins goes up for The Stomp while the fans are singing "burn down" now. Seth kicks Drew but has to let Dolph off the apron when he gets close. Seth and Drew come and go now. Seth kicks for a count of 2 as Ziggler rushes to break him.

Balor with a Slingblade in Ziggler. Ziggler superkicks Balor in the face. Rollins and Drew go again and again. Drew with another close 2 account. Fans sing "it's great" when Ziggler returns there. Drew puts Rollins on his shoulders. Ziggler tries to get out of the top for the double team but Ziggler gets burned. Rollins sends Drew through the ropes to the floor. Rollins Nails The Stomp on Ziggler for the Pin

Winners: Seth Rollins and Finn Balor

– After the match, Rollins and Balor celebrate on the outside as Drew hit the ring looking for a fight. We go to replays as the music Rollins plays. Drew and Dolph watch from the ring while the winners pose on the ramp.

– Charly Caruso is backstage with Bobby Lashley now. Lashley says he's at his best in big matches like this one. Lashley says Roman Reigns has failed Brock Lesnar twice, just as he will fail tonight. Lashley hopes that Lesnar will rest because he will face him next week on RAW and let him know that there is no sleep until Brooklyn. A Confident Lashley Goes On

– Advertisers are showing us a replay of the pay announcement at the WWE Evolution opening of tonight's opening segment.

Ember Moon vs. Liv Morgan

We go to the ring and go out Ember Moon first. Back to the advertisement.

Back from the break, Liv Morgan of Riott Squad by herself. Sarah Logan was banned from the ring. The bell rings and Ember goes to work, sending Liv to the ground. Liv returns and turns around for two quick pinning attempts.

The arrival sees Liv climb to the top for a superplex but Moon turns around. Moon drop Liv face-to-face carpet. Moon gets up and hits the Eclipse for the pin.

Winner: Ember Moon

– After the match, Moon gets up as we go to replays.

– Mike Rome is backstage with Seth Rollins, who reveals that Kurt Angle gave him another shot at WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler for SummerSlam

– Cole takes us to an exclusive look at Tom Cruise in the new Mission Impossible movie

– Back from the break and the announcers plug the Total Bellas final of season 3 of Sunday and the appearance of the Bella Twins on Jimmy Fallon this Wednesday

– We receive a video for tonight's main event.

– Elias is on stage again. RAW's chief executive, Kurt Angle, interrupts but goes out and says that's not what Elias thinks. He is just there to inform Elias that it's up to him to play a song from his new album. Elias continues and gives accessories to O.A.R. at the edge of the ring, but also makes fun of them. Elias starts playing a song but stops and hits the people of Cincinnati. The music still interrupts and Bobby Lashley comes out for tonight's main event.

# 1 Contenders Match: Bobby Lashley vs. Roman Reigns

Back from the break, Lashley is waiting for Roman Reigns to come out. The winner of this match will become the new WWE Champion Universal No. 1 contender Brock Lesnar for a game at SummerSlam.

Round trip to start the game. We hear fans chanting "Roman sucks" while he cradles Lashley and takes control. Adjust the Lashley clotheslines over the top rope to the ground. Reigns follows and rocks Lashley, bringing him back into the ring. Lashley returns it and hits Reigns out of the ring this time. Reigns goes for a Drive By on the floor, but Lashley catches him in the middle of the move. Lashley with a big belly-tummy suplex on the floor. We go to the commercial

Back from the break and Lashley Reigns' s levels in the ring with a Spinebuster for a 2 – count. Lashley keeps Reigns in the middle of the ring now. The Reins are fighting to go out and exchange shots. They both enter and collide in the middle of the ring. The referee then counts that he is down now.

They get up and exchange big shots in the middle of the ring. Lashley takes over and turns around. Lashley charges with shoulders in the corner. Reigns counteracts a move and goes for a Samoan Drop but Lashley hangs on the top rope. Lashley lands on the deck but Reigns rocks him. Reigns runs the ropes but Lashley meets him with a big apron clothesline. Reign goes down in the ring. Reigns recovers and drops Lashley off the apron. Lashley returns but Reigns' leg drops him to the back of the neck for a count of 2.

Lashley dodges a Superman Punch and applies a Full Nelson. The reigns begin to fade in the middle of the ring. The reigns fight and get out of the hold, sending Lashley to the corner. They end up on the carpet while Lashley applies a modified triangle. The catch is finally broken by Reign. They are slow to get up now. Lashley charges in the corner but Reigns moves and Lashley hits the shoulder post first. Reign with big clotheslines in the corner while the fans count. Reigns runs the ropes but Lashley catches him in a big powerslam for a count of 2.

Lashley is waiting in the corner as Reigns struggles to get up. Lashley charges for a Spear but Reigns jumps and drops him with a straight. Reigns covers for another 2 loved ones. Reigns looks out and gets optimized now. Reigns nails a Superman punch but Lashley continues to kick the shot. Reign shows some frustration now. Lashley gets up and finds himself on the floor, maybe for a break. The referee counts. Reigns the Lashley rods on the outside. Reigns jumps steel steps but Lashley catches him. Reigns Lashley rock and avoids a suplex on the floor. Reigns is thrown upside down but falls badly on his neck. Lashley enters the ring and nails a Spear for an account of 2 close. Lashley has words with the referee while we are doing a replay.

Reigns eventually nailed the Superman Punch as Lashley headed toward him. Reigns charges for a Spear but Lashley hits him. Reigns returns with a Spear for the win and title of SummerSlam

Winner and new # 1 Contender of the WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar: Roman Reigns

– After the match, Reigns recovers and Holds big as we go to replays. Reigns will face Lesnar at SummerSlam. Reigns and Lashley look at each other as they go back to the ring. Reigns nods at Lashley, showing respect. We get another replay. We return to Reigns and Lashley shaking hands in the middle of the ring. Lashley comes out of the ring and Reigns gets up as his music goes up. Lashley stumbles on the ramp and Reigns hits the turnbuckles to pose. RAW goes off with Reigns standing in the ring.

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