Young women of today are more likely to suffer from depression during pregnancy


(Photo: Ella Byworth for

According to a new study recently published in the journal JAMA Network Open [19659004] And conducted by researchers from the University of Bristol, the number of young women with signs of anxiety and depression during pregnancy increased by more than half in a single generation.

The study shows that 25% of women become pregnant. The age of 24 has "high depressive symptoms", compared to only 17% in the 1900s. He also found that if a woman's mother was depressed during their pregnancy, their daughters were over three times more likely to have depressive symptoms.

Discussing why this massive increase could have occurred, Dr. Rebecca Pearson, lecturer in psychiatric epidemiology at the College of Medicine of the University, stated that "while there has a perception that mental health [issues are] is increasing, this may be due to greater awareness and less stigma. These new data provide a more accurate picture of what our current population of young pregnant women are facing.

She also stated that mental health problems in young mothers are due to a feeling of overflow and stress

. Young people are climbing in general, so it's no surprise that this has "translated into the experience of young mothers," Pearson says.

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Some of the factors responsible for the fight of pregnant women against depressive symptoms are the fact that more of them have to work, combined with the pressure of social media.

Researchers believe that many women feel financially compelled to stay at work During pregnancy, a culture of "comparison and competition" on social media will also fuel mental health issues as young parents insist on content that they share and who likes what.

Pearson also believes that young women are struggling with mental health in general – that "chronic stress, sleep deprivation, eating habits, sedentary lifestyles and the fast pace of modern life may contribute to a growing prevalence of depression among young people in general "

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