Zacks Investment Research upgrades Acacia Mining (ABGLF) to buy


Acacia Mining (OTCMKTS: ABGLF) was upgraded by Zacks Investment Research from a "hold" to a "buy" "rating in a report released on Thursday 12 July.The price target of Zacks Investment Research for the core materials company's base price is currently $ 2.00, which would indicate a 36.05% upside potential compared to the closing . previous [19659002SelonZacks"AcaciaMiningplcestunesociétéminièrequiacquiertetexploreprincipalementpourl'orLesminesdeproductiondelaSociétécomprennentBulyanhuluBuzwagietNorthMaraetunportefeuilledeprojetsd'explorationenTanzanieauKenyaetauBurkinaFasoanciennementconnusouslenomdeAfricanBarrickGoldplcestbaséàLondresRoyaumeKingdom"

OTCMKTS Shares: ABGLF opened at $ 1.47 Thursday .Acacia Mining has a 52-week low of $ 1.47 and a company has a debt ratio of 0.04, a ratio of 0.42 and a ratio of 1.14 .The company has a e market capitalization of $ 602.83 million, a capitalization ratio of 4.08 and a beta of 0.65.

Acacia Mining Company Profile

Acacia Mining plc, with its subsidiaries, extracts, processes and sells gold in Africa. The company owns three gold mines in northwestern Tanzania, including Bulyanhulu, Buzwagi and North Mara; and a portfolio of exploration projects at various stages of development in Tanzania, Kenya, Burkina Faso and Mali.

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