Taycan Porsche tests 0-90-0 mph on the cockpit of an aircraft carrier


The official opening of the Taycan Porsche is only a few days away and the German sports car manufacturer is fully engaged in its efforts to build enthusiasm for what could very well be its most important vehicle in decades. The most recent of them is a unique test of acceleration and braking, which just happened to take place on the flight deck of a US aircraft carrier.

For its tests, Porsche chose to use the USS Hornet as a test track for the Taycan trials. The ship is massive, moving over 27,500 tons and equipped with a 869-foot cockpit. In addition to its long history of active service, the USS Hornet has the distinction of being the ship that has recovered astronauts missions Apollo 11 and Moon 12.

Porsche used the talents of professional runner Shea Holbrook for the Taycan test. Conventional acceleration and braking tests typically involve vehicles accelerating from 0 to 60 mph, then braking with difficulty to decelerate from 60 to 0 mph. As the Taycan is not a conventional vehicle, Porsche has chosen to raise the stakes. Instead of 0 to 60 mph, the Taycan accelerated to 90 mph before braking suddenly and decelerating to zero.

(Credit: Porsche)

This makes the test particularly difficult, considering that it is a fairly big sea after the vehicle has covered the flight deck of the USS Hornet. Fortunately, the Taycan proved capable, going from a stop at 90.58 mph to 422 feet before braking hard. The entire race took 10.17 seconds.

Speaking of her experience, the veteran racer noted that the car had performed well given the constraints of the USS Hornet. Holbrook noted that the vehicle was stable and composed, despite the uneven surface of the carrier's deck.

"The bridge is very long and despite appearances, it is rather bumpy. Deliberately accelerating to thin air and the ocean is a new experience for me, but the Taycan has given me a lot of confidence – it was really stable but in acceleration and, more importantly, in braking. I've progressed to the last run, slowly increasing the speed each time until I feel confident and the car feels comfortable in what the # 1 39, he is asked to do. What a rush! She says.

(Credit: Porsche)

Stefan Weckbach, vice president of the Taycan product line, said the unconventional test was a fun way to demonstrate the power of the future vehicle. The Porsche executive candidly added that he was pleased to note that no one had taken an unplanned bath due to the tests.

"Although it's not a standard measure we use to measure Taycan's performance, and rather a kind of fun test rather than a completely serious test, it's a very appropriate way to demonstrate the power of the car to the end of his career. development. On a hard and changeable surface, Taycan's calm, incredible acceleration and stopping power were absolutely impressive – though we decided not to take it to the limit, just to reach the 0 to 100 mph margin. While I was completely sure that Shea and the car could achieve something special, I am really relieved that no one has gone swimming, "he said.

The production version of the Taycan Porsche is expected to be officially unveiled in three countries later this week; one in Canada, one in Germany and one in China. The event will begin on September 4, 2019 at 9:00 am EST.

Watch the unique acceleration and braking test of the Taycan Porsche in the video below.


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