Taylor Swift is doing something on April 26, and if the past suggests, there is new music on the horizon. An encrypted countdown appeared on the singer's website around midnight ET on Friday, counting down until April 26th. It's in 13 days. Thirteen is the lucky number of T-Swift. By adding to the mystery, Swift has also changed her Twitter profile picture so that she keeps the same pearly background on her website and has published a picture of a pink heart made of glittering gems. This is not the first time that Swift Elle has cleared her social media accounts for three days in 2017 before returning online with a video clip of a 10-second snake. Two days after the snake clip, she announced the album "Reputation". The first single from the album, "Look what you've done me," was dropped the next day. But if the new music is a plausible theory, it could also be quite different. In an essay for Elle magazine entitled "30 Things I Learned Before" At age 30, "Swift shared his fondness for countdown timers." I'm counting down for things that fascinate me, "she writes." When I went through dark, low times, I always found a slight relief and hope to get an account application at backwards (they are free) and add things that look forward to me. "
Taylor Swift is doing something on April 26, and if the past says so, there is new music on the horizon.
An encrypted countdown appeared on the singer's website around midnight ET on Friday, starting April 26.
It's 13 days from now. Thirteen is the lucky number of T-Swift.
Adding to the mystery, Swift also tweaked the picture of her Twitter profile to give her the same pearly background on her website and published a picture of a pink heart made up of sparkling gems.
This is not the first time Swift sends fans into a frenzy.
She cleared her social media accounts for three days in 2017 before coming back online with a 10-second video clip of a snake. Two days after the snake clip, she announced the album "Reputation". The first single from the album, "Look what you did me do," was dropped the next day.
But if the new music is a probable theory, it could also be totally different.
In an essay for Elle magazine entitled "30 Things I Learned Before I'm 30", Swift shares her interest in countdowns.
"I'm counting down for things that fascinate me," she wrote. "When I've gone through dark, low times, I've always found a slight relief and hope to get a countdown app (they're free) and add things that look forward to me." . "
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