TEA issues new guidelines on COVID-19 safety protocols for the 2021-22 school year


HOUSTON – The Texas Education Agency has released new guidance on COVID-19 safety protocols for the new school year.

Here are the following key points that the guide covers:

– Under Gov. Greg Abbott’s executive order, school districts are not allowed to impose masks. However, they must allow students to wear them if the students choose to wear them.

– Schools must exclude students who have tested positive for COVID-19 from attending classes.

– Schools can offer remote instruction to students while the student is not in school.

– Parents are urged to keep their children at home if they show symptoms of COVID-19 or test positive.

– Schools are allowed to perform COVID testing on a regular basis for staff and, with parents’ permission, to test students.

– School districts will not be required to trace contacts.

– If school systems are notified that a student has been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19, the school system should notify the student’s parents.

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– Parents of students who are determined to be close contact with someone with COVID-19 may choose to keep their students at home for the recommended stay-at-home period.

– During the period of stay at home, the school system can provide distance education.

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