Teaser Borderlands 3 trailer launched, PAX East unveiled


After many teasing, Gearbox Software apparently announced that a new Borderlands game was coming on PAX East and released a short trailer for it. Although the video, which you can look at above, does not make it clear that it applies to Borderlands 3 in particular, it certainly seems to be a whole new entry in the series of games. booty-based shooting. The teaser, titled "Mask of Mayhem", presents the viewer with a sort of diorama in which familiar characters and enemies arise in ways that create intrigue around what the game might be like. He also teases some high jinks in which the players will start.

It begins with a cliché of prostrate Psychos in front of a very large character armed with a weapon, flanked himself from a statue of an angelic character holding an upside-down version of the iconic symbol Vault de Borderlands. While the camera moves seamlessly in and around other scenarios, we see a dragon, a character pulled from a stroller, a group of characters giving each other highs, a ninja robot and many tapered hairstyles.

When the trailer comes to an end, it comes out of the madness to reveal that it was only the tapestry on the emblematic mask worn by the enemies Psycho. Although there is no game, Gearbox should show more of this new Borderlands at its East PAX board on March 28th.

This panel will be broadcast live online tomorrow. The event starts at 11:00 (14:00 EST) / 18:00 GMT (5:00 CET on March 29) and, of course, GameSpot will be present to bring you the news of the panel. Stay tuned for any announcements that might come from the event.

In the past, Gearbox confirmed the development of a new border area, but added that it would not necessarily be called Borderlands 3. "It is obvious that there will be another border area", said CEO Randy Pitchford in 2016. "We do not do it" We do not even know if we're going to call it that. "Since then, Gearbox has been very open about creating a new border area. Twitter, Pitchford shared this new teaser with the following message: "It's happening."

In recent weeks, Gearbox tweeted the teasing for a new ad at Borderlands, one of which was a pixelated photo of a character looking at a structure in the distance. Before that, there was an image of a kind of robotic creature on an operation table. Gearbox has promised "revelations, exclusives and unpublished surprises" at the panel, so we will have more information on what the developer is preparing soon. But it was pretty clear to tease a game with a "3" in the title. Beyond that, he suggested that he would have more than one game to announce.

As for the release date, Take Two teases "a much-anticipated new title from one of the biggest 2K franchises" during calls from its investors for some time. This game has been widely presumed to be the next Borderlands game; If this is the case, we can expect it to be launched by the end of March 2020.


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