Teen mom Amber Portwood slams Gary and Kristina Shirley


Amber Portwood is not impressed with his ex Gary Shirley.

On the March 30 episode of Teen mom og, viewers watched her daughter Horrible plan her birthday party. But in a surprising scene, the 12-year-old revealed that she wanted to celebrate without Amber. Instead, she preferred a more intimate encounter with her father Gary and his wife. Kristina shirley.

“We don’t really have a connection like that,” Leah explained. “Twelve years old and she really hasn’t done anything. It’s kind of like Kristina’s place … All she did was give birth.”

After watching the episode, Amber took to Instagram Live where she was quick to slam Gary and Kristina even after fans praised the couple.

“I try to invest time with Leah all the time, all the time. It’s all I do, ”Amber said. “[Kristina] don’t take care of my daughter. No, Gary doesn’t clothe her, feed her. Gary wouldn’t have a job without me early on. “


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