Teen suicide rates increase after first Netflix series, study finds – Deadline


When Netflix 13 reasons why, which deals with teen suicide, bullying, drunk driving and rape in detail, was first released in 2017. Some mental health experts have warned that Issuing could pose health risks to some young people, especially those who have suicidal thoughts. A new study funded by the National Institutes of Health suggests that these concerns may be warranted.

Researchers at the National Children's Hospital found that the month following the start of the series in March 2017, suicides were up 28% among boys aged 10 to 17, the highest rate in the five-year study period of the age group. Nine months after the release of the program, 195 more suicide deaths were reported in this age group, which is more than expected given historical trends.

The researchers pointed out that the study could not prove the cause of the suicide spike, stating that a third unknown factor could be causing this increase. However, citing this strong correlation, they cautioned against exposing children and adolescents to the series.

"Few people believe that this type of media exposure will take children who are not depressed and makes them suicidal," said lead author Dr. Victor Hong, medical director of medical services. Psychiatric emergency from the University of Michigan. "What concerns us is the negative impact it could have on young people who are already on the brink of chaos."

Netflix does not publish data about viewers. Therefore, we do not know how many people actually watch the show.

"This is a critically important topic and we have worked hard to make sure we deal with this sensitive issue responsibly," said a spokesperson for Netflix in response to the last study. The Internet also noted that this study was at odds with that of last week's University of Pennsylvania, according to which students who watched the entire second season were less likely to hurt themselves voluntarily or to seriously consider suicide, even in comparison with those who did not watch show.

Netflix also recalled that the series includes a board card with a message airing at the beginning of seasons 1 and 2, as well as individual cards on specific episodes that head to its resource site at 13ReasonsWhy.info address. . In addition, Netflix offers parental controls that allow members to designate a PIN to access a specific TV show or movie. You can read the Netflix notification message card below.

"13 Reasons Why is a fictional series that addresses difficult and real issues, including sexual assault, addiction, suicide, etc. By highlighting these difficult topics, we hope that our show can help viewers engage in a conversation. But if you are struggling with these problems, this series may not be right for you, or you may want to watch it with a trusted adult. And if you think you need to talk to someone, contact a parent, friend, school counselor or adult you trust, call the local hotline or go to Address # 13reasonswhy.info. Because as soon as you start talking about it, it becomes easier.


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