Teenage girl suing Juul, a vaping company, after "having the lungs of a 70-year-old man"


A teenager who says that vaping has given him lungs "like a 70-year-old man" is suing a major electronic cigarette company.

Adam Hergenreder, an 18-year-old Illinois national, accused Juul of selling electronic cigarettes to young people with the message that vaping could improve their social status.

He was hospitalized late August for nausea and difficult breathing after using electronic cigarettes for more than 18 months.

"I'm 18. My lungs are like those of 70," he told CBS during his stay at the hospital. "My lungs will never be the same again."

In a statement released on Friday, Juul said he had "never sold anything to youth" and that his products were meant to help adult smokers quit the traditional cigarette.

The Illionis lawsuit claims that the company used advertisements and campaigns on social networks to encourage young people to use electronic cigarettes, but never fully disclosed that their products contained dangerous chemicals.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 450 cases of pulmonary disease potentially related to vaping have been reported in the United States, with at least six confirmed deaths related to vaping-related illnesses.

Mr Hergenreder said that he had started by vaping "because everyone was doing it" and that he was unaware of any health risks associated with electronic cigarettes.

He explained that he had switched from over-the-counter e-liquids to THC, the main psychoactive component of cannabis, that he had bought from a drug dealer.

Hergenreder later said he started having chills and vomiting "every day for three days" before going to a doctor.

When the doctors gave him an x-ray of the lungs, they discovered "significant damage" and he was admitted to the hospital.

"If his mother had not brought him to the hospital over the next two or three days, his breathing could have gotten worse to such an extent that he could have died s & # 39; 39 he was not asking for medical attention, "said Dr. Stephen Amesbury, one of the doctors. who saw Mr. Hergenreder, told CNN.

"It was a serious lung disease, especially in a young man. He was out of breath and breathed hard.

"He was very concerned that he is suffering from significant lung damage and perhaps some residual changes after being cured of this disease."

La poursuite contre Juul a accusé la société de s’appuyer parfois sur la publicité indirecte destinée aux enfants, notamment en employant des utilisateurs de réseaux sociaux très nombreux pour promouvoir les produits Juul sur Twitter et Instagram.

L’affaire a également désigné une station d’essence à Waukegan, dans l’Illinois, comme partie défenderesse, l’accusant de vendre régulièrement les produits Juul à base de nicotine de M. Hergenreder alors qu’il n’avait pas atteint l’âge légal de 18 ans.

Antonio Romanucci, avocat de M. Hergenreder, a déclaré: "Pour parler franchement, Adam n'a pas eu la chance d'éviter de devenir accro à ces bombes à retardement toxiques."

Une enquête fédérale sur les maladies pulmonaires liées à la vapotage est en cours et n’a pas permis d’en déterminer la cause – bien que plusieurs patients aient déclaré avoir utilisé des cigarettes électroniques avec des produits liés au cannabis, tels que le THC.

Plus tôt cette semaine, Donald Trump a annoncé que son administration interdirait les cigarettes électroniques aromatisées à la suite de nombreuses maladies.

Cependant, M. Trump a semblé prendre un ton moins agressif vendredi soir, quand il a tweeté: «Bien que j'aime l'alternative Vaping aux cigarettes, nous devons nous assurer que cette alternative est sûre pour tous!

"Sortons les contrefaçons du marché et empêchons les jeunes enfants de Vaping!"

Kevin Burns, PDG de Juul, a averti le mois dernier que les personnes qui ne fument pas déjà ne devraient pas utiliser les produits de sa société.

"Ne commencez pas à utiliser de la nicotine si vous n'avez pas de relation préexistante avec la nicotine", a-t-il déclaré. "N'utilisez pas le produit."

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