Tenet being retained from drive-ins? – / Movie


principle drive-ins

At this point, I really don’t know what’s going on in the Hallowed Halls at Warner Bros. Studios. in regards to Principle. To be fair, WB has faced a shitty situation with the coronavirus threatening theatrical releases across the world. But the studio also had months to come up with a fix, and instead they seemed to just … drop the ball. WB’s approach seems to be little more than “Let’s wait and see!”, And it doesn’t pay off at all. So during Principle opens overseas this week, its fate in the United States remains uncertain. And now, to make matters even more unnecessarily complicated, Warners seems to be intentionally limiting where the movie can be played in drive-ins.

Before getting to the heart of the matter, let me say: I born think about the problems surrounding Principle can all be placed at the feet of Christopher nolan. I know Nolan has become kind of a punch bag in this situation, with some saying that a lot of Principle the release issues can be attributed to his perceived claim. But honestly, I don’t think that’s fair, and I don’t think Nolan is pulling all of those strings behind the scenes like a malicious puppeteer.

This said, whatever is going on Principle right now it’s more than a little confusing and worrying. Concrete example: the variety has a Principle story today that seems so far-fetched that I had to reread it several times to make sure I did it right. Here let me quote it directly:

But two weeks before its domestic debut, slated for September 3, Warner Bros. provided details to exhibitors on his plans for the latest Nolan. The studio has issued strict guidelines to drive-in operators across the country, requiring that “Tenet” can only perform in outdoor venues if the indoor theaters in that particular market are open.

I am sorry, what? So let me clear it up: when you have the opportunity to play Principle in a (safe) drive-in, Warner Bros. is ready to say “NO!” if the drive-in is in a market where indoor (and potentially dangerous) theaters are closed. In other words, if indoor theaters cannot Principle, drive-ins can’t have it either. I’m sorry – that’s just silly. Hell, it’s more ridiculous – it’s careless. Drive-ins may not be perfect solution to our current situation, but that would at least be something. I banged the drum and proclaimed that theaters and studios should have come up with a plan to convert American theater parking lots into pop-up drive-ins until indoor theaters were safe again. But if that Principle The story is true, studios like Warner Bros. have no interest in it. They must be indoor theaters or nothing.

They say the reasoning behind this is because Warner Bros. wants to keep the movie “areas where traditional locations are still closed in order to help preserve the plot twists, which has been shrouded in secrecy,” but if so, that means Warner Bros. has no idea how the internet works.

And it’s worth adding that Variety says that “given the rapidly evolving nature of the pandemic, sources familiar with the situation point out that these plans could be flexible” and that studios like Warner Bros. may change their minds on drive-ins in the coming weeks. And I hope it will end up being the case, because I would really like to see Principle, and because none of this makes sense to me. As one exhibitor at Variety put it, “There’s no prediction of what’s going to happen with the theaters reopening. Studios do things that don’t make sense all the time.

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