Terminator: Dark Fate producer James Cameron teases plans for new trilogy


The co-creator of Terminator, James Cameron, is mocked for a future trilogy of Dark Fate, claiming that there is a "bigger story" to be told in the following movies. the beginning of a possible arc of three films, although he admits that the prospects for two future installments would largely depend on how the next Terminator film will sell well at the box office.

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"We spent several weeks creating a story and determining the type of story we wanted to tell so we had something to say to Linda. [Hamilton]"Cameron said to Deadline, we rolled up our sleeves and started telling the story.When we had control of something, we considered it a bow of three movies. so a bigger story to tell.

"If we are lucky enough to make money with Dark Fate, we know exactly where we can go with the next movies," he added.

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The visionary filmmaker acknowledged that the project led by Tim Miller had generated considerable momentum as the team was trying to put everything back in order to provide a "blank slate" that would not take into account previous Terminator franchise deadlines. . retrieve it directly after the original Terminator events and its sequel, Terminator 2: Judgment Day.

"One of the things that seemed obvious after watching the movies that followed was that we had to put everything back to the basics, avoid the errors of excessive complexity and avoid the stories. that goes back and forth in time, "he said at the exit, explaining their logic.

Terminator: Dark Fate Photos

James Cameron is not the only name to have come back in this new project, Linda Hamilton and Arnold Schwarzenegger having resumed their respective roles as Sarah Connor and another version of the T-800 model. In addition, Edward Furlong, played in the role of John Connor in T2, also joined the cast alongside newcomers Mackenzie Davis, Natalia Reyes, Gabriel Luna and Diego Boneta.

To learn more about Terminator: Dark Fate, check out our summary of the first trailer, read our interview with director Tim Miller about the upcoming Terminator movie, and read our detailed explanation of the multiple timelines featured in the Terminator saga.

Adele Ankers is an independent entertainment journalist. You can join her on Twitter.


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