Terminator: The complete Dark Fate trailer brings Arnold and the original Sarah Connor



She is back.

20th Century Fox

This is the crucial moment for Terminator: Dark Fate, the latest addition to the gigantic blockbuster machine featuring Schwarzenegger, which is slowly coming to a halt. With the return of Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor and James Cameron's first appearance since Judgment Day in 1991, Dark Fate looks promising.

A full trailer was released Thursday night, PT.

The caravan sees Sarah Conner 27 years after the events of T2, still a skilled fighter but now knowing that she did not save everyone when she thwarted Judgment Day on August 29, 1997. " You may have changed the future, but you have not changed our destiny, "informs the Hyborg Hyborg Human Man from Mackenzie Davis.

Their mission is to protect Dani Ramos (Natalia Reyes) of Gabriel Luna's modified liquid metal Terminator, known as Rev-9, sent from the future by Skynet. If Ramos dies, everyone does it.

Best moment of the trailer? Connor blows something up and says, "I'll come back."

Dark Fate is about to clear the slate for the franchise after Judgment Day last, in 1991. Arnold Schwarzenegger's original T-800 Terminator joins the gang and is doing its utmost to save the situation.

With Deadpool director Tim Miller at the helm and producer Cameron contributing to the screenplay, Dark Fate promises to be a huge step forward from Genisys of 2015. Dark Fate will discuss the consequences of the destruction of Cyberdyne at the end of Judgment Day led by Cameron, probably with flashbacks.

"I do not think the films that followed are really explored as clean as I think, with real consequences, and it makes perfect sense for Sarah to be the one to suffer because of her choice." start with, "Miller told Entertainment Weekly in July.

The rating R of Dark Fate is even more seductive.

"The DNA of Terminator is a generic film rated R. So, for not doing so, R is making fun of the source," Miller said in July at the Dark Fate Comic-Con panel.

Terminator: Dark Fate storms theaters on November 1, 2019.


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